Cellphone Details


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Mines a Red LG Keybo xP

I don't have a background or a fancy ringtone lol

My Phone

Unit of Cellphone: UTstarcom. Can't find a pic of my kind, But I found a pic of my Mom's which is also a UTstarcom.

Color: Dark Blue

Main Wallpaper: A wolf howling at the moon, and it moves, the moon will turn into a heart shape as the wolf raises its head.

Mini Wallpaper: what?

Screen saver: ...Huh?

Themes: I don't know

Ring Tone: Love Game- Lady Gaga

Message Tone: Barbie Girl -Aqua

Other Tones: None

Games: Zuma and Gin Rummy.

My Mom's Cell. [i play games on it, so I'm including it in this post]

Unit of Cellphone: The one on the Right, with the orange in the screen, that is what my Mom's cell looks like

Color: Black

Main Wallpaper: I think its Me.

Mini Wallpaper: What?

Screen saver: Huh?

Themes: ????

Ring Tone: Pokerface- Lady GaGa

Message Tone: Its my Life- Bon Jovi

Other Tones: Love Story- Taylor Swift

Games: Family Feud, Zuma, Solitare.

Type of MOBILE - LG Chocolate

Colour of MOBILE - Black

Number on MOBILE - 0*COUGH**COUGH**COUGH* Did you get that?

Main wallpaper on MOBILE - One of the default ones. A car. :3

Mini wallpaper on MOBILE - I think its Black [if not I don't have one]

Ringtone on MOBILE - The Streets - Fit But You Know It

Message tone on MOBILE - A car horn that beeps twice

Unit of cellphone: LG Cookie.

Color: Bronze.

Main wallpaper: <3

Mini wallpaper: Don't have one.

Screen Saver: Same.

Themes: Reddish thingo. xD

Ringtone: The Back Of My Head - Short Stack.

Message tone: Same.

Other tones: Random preset tones.

Games: Some random preset game. xD

And I have a few apps that came with it too.

Unit of Cellphone: LG env2

Color: Red

Main Wallpaper: Me and my boyfriend

Mini Wallpaper: L O V E spelled out with guns/knives

Screen saver: it just turns black

Themes: Black/Red

Ring Tone: Get Crunk.

Message Tone: it just beeps.

Other Tones: idk.

Games: some retarded game idk.

Unit of Cellphone: LG UX265 (Banter)

Color: Wellp its actually black but it has interchangeable faceplates so right now its green ^_^

Main Wallpaper: Justin Bieber!:)

Mini Wallpaper: Dunno what that is

Screen saver: Don't have one, screen just dims and then goes black.

Themes: ??

Ring Tone: Hahh....I can't call from my phone...Text only plan ^_^

Message Tone: Everyone has a different one. But I always have it on silent.

Other Tones: Dunno.

Games: It had a free trial of PacMan but my friend played it too much )': :D

I got a new phone O:

Unit of Cellphone: LG enV touch

Color: Black.. silver.. Idk? xD

Inside Wallpaper: Me and two of my friends making a star with our converse

Outside Wallpaper: Christofer Drew :D

Screen saver: A Clock.

Themes: It's some 'Modern Retro'? ahah.

Ring Tone: Famous last words - MCR

Message Tone: Famous last words - MCR

Other Tones: n/a

Games: n/a

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Unit of Cellphone: Motorola Razr V3

Color: Black

Main Wallpaper: Me and My friend making a funny face. :]

Mini Wallpaper: Uhm....what is that....?

Screen Saver: Some long saying...but it's really kewl. I can't find a picture of it on google images though... D:<

Themes: Silver...and whatever else came with the phone.

Ringtone: A christmas song from the trans-siberian orchestra(sp?).

Message Tone: I voice that says "Message" about 10 times, and gets louder every time and screams on the last two. It's awesome. :]

Other Tones Pshhh...to many to list.

Games: Bejeweled Demo...I haven't bought any.



And I plan to get an upgrade in April...I want a samsung impression or LG xenon...if anyone has these phones please PM me a review... :]

Unit of Phone: Nokia 6300

Color: Gold

Main Wallpaper: A stupid pic of my little sis

Mini wallpaper: Yeah what is that?

Screensaver: A green background, with a bunny playing hide and seek. Really cute!

Themes: A lot. Different colors

Ringtone: Sexy ****** by David Guetta

Message tone: Tik Tok by Ke$ha

Other tones: P!nk, Eskimo Joe, Coldplay, Cute Shirley Temple tunes, so on.

Games: Sudoku, 3-D snake, car racing.

Here's a link to see a pic of it.


In a years time, I get my mums phone. the one i have now is her old one, but it's real good. Her phone is a nokia 5800 music express-touch screen. i'll get that one soon.

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Unit of cellphone: Tocco Lite < Early christmas present x)

Color: Black

Main wallpaper: Wallpaper

Mini wallpaper: Christofer Drew

Screen Saver: None

Themes: Orange-ness

Ringtone: When It Rains - Paramore

Message tone: Vibrate

Other tones: ..

Games: Tumbling Dice, Asphalt 4, Bubble Popper, Brain Challange 2, BrickBreaker, Crazy Penguin, ect... Random preset games that I have to purchase ¬¬;

Unit of Cellphone: Sidekick 3

Color: Checkers {Black and white}

Main Wallpaper: I don't get a wallpaper, it just has a selection screen.

Mini Wallpaper: Don't own one.

Screen saver: It just goes black.

Themes: Hearts & Stars.

Ring Tone: Situations - Escape the Fate, It used to be Turn It Up - Jimmy Robbins.

Message Tone: Some lady saying, "New message."

Other Tones: The phone has all of the latest songs and it's kind of like a mini radio.

Games: A spaceman game, Sodoku, Mahjong, and some other games.

Unit of Cellphone: Blackberry Pearl 8120

Color: Indigo(same as picture)

Main Wallpaper: Me playing with lights

Mini Wallpaper: None

Screen saver: None

Themes: Not sure what you mean o.o;

Ring Tone: Katy Perry - Hot n Cold

Message Tone: "Light Speed" I think it's the most common text ring for Blackberries. I hear it all the time.

Other Tones: That's about it. I only use the two.

Games: Brickbreaker and UNO.

Unit of Cellphone: The wonderful Samsung Exclaim. <3

Color: Raspberry.

Main Wallpaper: Nike symbol and "Just Do Me!"

Mini Wallpaper: :)

Screen saver: Don't have one.

Themes: :(

Ring Tone: Girl All The Bad Guys Want by Bowling For Soup... I need a new one. lol

Message Tone: Just a beep.

Other Tones: Don't have any other.

Games: Ugh, I can't buy games. I do download some though; I have Mudik Driving, Super Mario Planet, other driving games, and I think that's about it.

Unit of Cellphone:me phone

Main Wallpaper: some awsome light wave with falshing dots. Also a banner saying "katie was here" which is true XD

Mini Wallpaper: can't get on that phone

Screen saver: blackness

Themes: Ice cream (but its just different colors with lights. Not ice cream. same as picture but its a different colors for each thing like purple for texts, red for pictures and so on)

Ring Tone: Road trip

Message Tone: Rain drops

Other Tones: n/a

Games: are you smarter than a 5 grader, Pac man

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Unit of cellphone: Telstra, will take a photo later


Main wallpaper: Can't remember.

Mini wallpaper: None

Screen Saver: None

Themes: None

Ringtone: I recorded 'Shadows' - The Getaway Plan one day. Don't use my phone anymore though.

Message tone: None

Other tones: None

Games: None O:

I want an iPhone though. My phone is suckish and has NO credit. I wasted it all, well...me and Mel did a year ago. I have this humourous video from camp.

Unit of Cellphone: LG Webslider

Color: Red and Black

Main Wallpaper: Me and my doggy

Mini Wallpaper: Uhh

Screen saver: Dont have one.

Themes: What are themes lol?

Ring Tone: Telephone ringing ;D Lol

Message Tone: I forgot

Other Tones: Just some other songs and stuff.

Games: Sims 2, Sodoku, Skateboarding game and these others I forgot

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