Minecraft Addict
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Crushes on Celebrities...
The answer is no.
I love a certain girl more than a celeb that I have probably no chance with. ^_^

The answer is no.
you said we all have them its a lie coz sorry to inform you but i dont have a cleb crush yay ive never been so happyWe all have/had celebrity crushes. My top three would have to be
1.Heath Ledger
2.Johnny Depp
3.Hugh Jackman
They're way older than me though xD (Plus Heath diedR.I.P) Do you guys have any you'd like to share? xD
LIKE! Especially JGL. ♥I've always adored Ewan McGregor and Joseph Gordon-Levitt - they're both awkwardly cute. What I like most is that they're both extremely humble and personable individuals.