candy's story


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But Candy was intrested in playing baseball.Kim was also intrested in playing Volleyball.Soon Candy & Kim married they had 1 daughter named..............

she sneeked out at night an whent to....................

A little after Roxy left, Kim thought, "Well, got to feed Roxy!" She went to Roxy's room, and DID NOT SEE HER!!! "CAAANNNDDDYYY!!! ROXY IS NOT HERE!!!!" Kim screamed. Candy rushed in.....

oh noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo they cried!

Meeting another Babytchi called Cuddles which is a Boy...

he took them home and tied them up and then his crazy dog pluto atacked them and bit cuddles and scratched roxxy then cuddles started taunting the dog away from roxxy then pluto tackled cuddles sending him flying and meanwhile micky was putting roxxy in a pan whith boiling water help me cudd.....les.... the water was chokeing her then mikey closed the lid all the way..... wahahahaha! then out of no whare the matchmaker to the rescue? _____________________

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"Leave Roxy and Cuddles alone!"

The Matchmaker's voice scared Micky, and she looked up to see 15 policemen, one with handcuffs, and Matchmaker.

"We've got you surrounded," said one of the policemen.

While the policemen arrested Micky, Matchmaker zoomed over to the pan and got Roxy out. She was burned! So the Matchmaker took her and Cuddles to the hospital, where the two babies got better, evolved into Marutchis, and....

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