Can you type properly?


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Yes, I can type propely and really fast too - without even realising that I'm looking at the screen and not the keyboard! :angry:

I'm not surprised - I've been tamatalking for quite some time now! :rolleyes:

-sk8er girl-

I know how because I took a keyboarding class in school last quarter. And I type a lot better than I did before, now. I know where all the keys are. But I don't always type like that. Not now! I kinda do, but I look at the keyboard and press some keys with the wrong fingers, and I bounce my hands.

///Matchy :angry:

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I can, type with my eyes closed, and I can type really fast.

With my eyes closed: Hi my name is Alimania.

Wow, I'm good! Lol.

But I don't type properly, I think I break all the rules. :angry:


I've typed properly since 5th grade, or 4 years. It was one of the upsides to hanging around on AIM talking to my friends all summer - I learned to type fast and well.
Now, for some type trivia:

The word "Typewriter" is the longest word you can spell only from letters on the top row of the keyboard (Q,W,E,R,T,Y,U,I,O,P).

The word "Stewardesses," if you are using correct technique, is the longest word you can type using only your left hand.

Oh yeah! Nice catch. :rolleyes:


well i can type fast but i dont type properly like
1. i dont keep my back strait

2. i dont keep my eyes on the screen i keep my eyes on the key board

3. i dont keep my fingers at the right spot (i think ur suppost to put them on: a, s, d, f, j, k, l, and ; am i right?)


is that program called "all the wright type" cuz if it is i have it on my computer
Thats exactly what I do to. SO no, I don't type properly. But I can type extra fast. :p

I'm not very good at typing properly but if I did try it turn out to be a mess! lol But here...i'll try to type properly and what ever mistakes I make (which will probably be a lot!) I won't fix! :( Here's a sentence: "Hi my naem is keekster94 (not fot real though! lol) If you neef s griend PM me!"

WOW I DID NOT DO TOO WELL! lol And I seriously tried to type that properly! It's so hard for me! Well here's what I was TRYING to type!: "Hi my name is keekster94 (not for real though! lol) If you need a friend PM me!"

Well the mistakes I made I put in bold letters! :eek:

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