Calling all brace-faces.


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I used to want braces a few days ago, actually, but now I heard about how Starry almost vomited blood and it made me change my mind. I'm happy with my teeth, atleast for now.
Woww.... I made Ksenia change her mind 8D

Yes, I almost did D: The dentist was like, "OPEN YOUR MOUTH!" And I was like, "WTF I AM." I was furious xD

I'll need braces to push my teeth together.

See, my teeth are a heap smaller than average teeth.

Therefore, there's massive gappies. So, yeah.

^^My teeth are completely opposite.

My teeth are too big, lol.

I'm actually missing two teeth.

But they're fine, for now.

But My dentist thinks I'm too old. wth.
I'm 15, My teeth are sort of crooked. My two front teeth make me look like I have fangs. It looks kind of cool actually. On halloween I wouldn't have to wear those fake vampire teeth. My own are enough.

My dad got braces when he was like, 40, no joke. It's true that it's better to get braces when you're young, as they only ended up screwing his teeth up more, but 15 definately isn't too old.

But My dentist thinks I'm too old. wth.
My mom's friend had braces o:

My friend's mom had braces o:

A dentist can't say you are "too old" If you want to pay money to get braces, shouldn't you be able to? My friend had really really straight teeth, and still got braces by parents demand XP

I'll need braces to push my teeth together.
See, my teeth are a heap smaller than average teeth.

Therefore, there's massive gappies. So, yeah.
Mine are oppisite.

I had to have a dental proceedure to make gaps by sanding them down or something then resealed. At least it was strawberry flavoured numbing paste.

Miss Rennie has braces! Shes like 45 or whatever.

Getting braces is painfull. I'd rather have ultra super crooked teeth than get braces ANYDAY! I puked up blood, And after, I was in pain for 6 hours later, so I played my clarinet to get pass the pain. It worked 50%. Anyway, I hate braces because I can't eat any foods I normally eat, like spaghetti and popcorn!!! :furawatchi: And the fact you get lip cuts, like I don't get enough from Jumbo Mr. Freezies!!! I don't think braces are worth it!

If any of you guys want to complain, remember me. I've had mine on for 4 years. x_o
My brother has had them for 6 years. ;_;

O: That's horrible!

....Don't mean to be drag or anything ._.

I'm supposed to have mine for 2 or 2 1/2 years. But I personally like them. Not the fact that I have to spend half the day brushing them, though :lol:

...psst... Hey yhu.... yeah, you, Bart....

Why can't you eat spaghetti? o_O I eat both of them. And chew gum. Sugarless gum, though. Because it's not as gooey.

Not that I'm encouraging you to break the rules... I'm just a bad girl ;]

But why no spaghetti? o_O

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I have them. I've had them since 8th grade and now I'm in 10th grade (about to go to 11th) and I will be getting them off in 11th. Probably the first semester.

Do former brace facers count? :(

I got mine off in October of 2008. I'm in tenth now, and had them since I was in the seventh grade. My smile is gorgeous now. ^_^

O: That's horrible!....Don't mean to be drag or anything ._.

I'm supposed to have mine for 2 or 2 1/2 years. But I personally like them. Not the fact that I have to spend half the day brushing them, though :huh:

...psst... Hey yhu.... yeah, you, Bart....

Why can't you eat spaghetti? o_O I eat both of them. And chew gum. Sugarless gum, though. Because it's not as gooey.

Not that I'm encouraging you to break the rules... I'm just a bad girl ;]

But why no spaghetti? o_O
I CAN, but I'd rather not, because my mom LOADS the sauce on, and softens up the meatballs, and the sight of my braces then is NOT pretty!

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