Calling all brace-faces.


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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2009
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Howl's Moving Castle
Who here has braces? I hardly know anyone in real life that has them.

I do. I have them on all of my teeth. I've also had a palet expander. (Sp? Fail.) My Ortho said I should be getting them off soon. Hopefully before my 14th birthday. ;D

Brace face here.

I had them since January 2008 ._.

The orthodontist said I would have them for 2 - 2 1/2 years. My teeth are getting straight ;D

I'm slow teethwise, so I had to get 11 baby teeth pulled x3 So thats why I have my braces on for a long time.

My wire on my one side is REALLY long. I need to get some wax

I'ma braceface. :D

Had braces since June of last year.

I don't likke themmm. ):

Hopefully getting them off soon, though .

If any of you guys want to complain, remember me. I've had mine on for 4 years. x_o

My brother has had them for 6 years. ;_;


I've had mine since June 08'. But I'm getting them off next year, or hopefully SOONER than that! I want them GONE.

I don't have them but I'm supposed to get them. My parents have put it off for 2 years though. Hopefully, they'll put it off for longer.

I've heard it hurts like hell, and besides, I like my teeth just the way they are.

Really? Like, tons of my friends where bracess :I

I don't have braces, and I don't need them. My teeth are considerably straight. I've never been to an orthidontest (sp?) in my life, and my new dentist commented on how straight my teeth were and asked if I've ever had braces. I was asked if I WANTED braces, but I don't see why I'd need them, really.

My teeth are relatively white as well. The downside is my teeth are incredibly soft, and I get cavaties very, very easily. :X

Braceface right here. D:

On all teeth. And now I have rubber bands. They have to move over six teeth on both sides. What fun. But after that, I'm done.

I got mine on in July of 2007. My orthodontist says they'll be off in August or September.

If any of you guys want to complain, remember me. I've had mine on for 4 years. x_o
My brother has had them for 6 years. ;_;

ahhhhhhh. 4 years with braces? Have they like become a part of your body now? O:

I'm so glad I'm not a brace-face! ;P I used to want them because of all the shiny colors and cool toothbrushes and stuff, but then I realized they were just annoying little wires stuck to your teeth. xD

Never had them, never will need them. My teeth are perfectly straight [almost] I was asked if i'd had braces once because they were shocked at how straight they were. Litterally 50% of people I know have them, had them, or are getting them.

Brodie gets hers off in 13 days!

My brother needs them.

In the last 2 weeks 2 girls in my class have got them.

They are so common it's almost weird not to have them.

I did need braces, but my teeth sorta straightened up abit. There used to be a giant gap between my two top front teeth, now it's gone. They're not perfect, but I don't see why I need them.

I used to want braces a few days ago, actually, but now I heard about how Starry almost vomited blood and it made me change my mind. I'm happy with my teeth, atleast for now.

I want Braces. I don't know why.

But Only because Brace's are the coolest thing to go inside a person's mouth

That sounds wrong! xD

But My dentist thinks I'm too old. wth.

I'm 15, My teeth are sort of crooked. My two front teeth make me look like I have fangs. It looks kind of cool actually. On halloween I wouldn't have to wear those fake vampire teeth. My own are enough.

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