*Caillie's Tamagotchi Log! ☮


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Everyone evolved yesterday!

Hi, I'm Nemo! I'm in a V2 shell, I call it home :eek: Well, I evolved into a Hinatchi! Mom says that she rarely has ever gotten this character, so I feel special.. even though I sorta look like a girl.. Anyways, I'm still 1 years old because I accidentally got paused yesterday when I was in Mom's purse. :D Okay BYE

Hello, I'm Ellie :D I'm a V3, and 2 years old! Yesterday I evolved into a Hikotchi :D I wish I looked more like a girl.. :\ Well, cya!

Hey, I'm Emmett! I'm a V4 and 2 years old just like Ellie! :D I turned into a young androtchi yesterday.. I kinda wanted to be in the Meme group :p

Okay, well gotta go, bye!

Caille. <3 [hungry]


Everyone is sleeping... BUT! ..

Emmett evolved into a... Zukyutchi!

So cute! :(

Nemo and Ellie will probably evolve tomorrow :D

Nemo is like.. hours behind schedule because of the whole "getting-paused-in-my-purse-while-I-went-out-shopping-for-my-new-dsi" thing. xD

Well, I'll update more tomorrow!

Happy New Year!

Caillie. <3 [random movie time?]

Okay, so I didn't post yesterday ..


Nemo and Ellie both evolved! :angry: YAY

So Nemo evolve-

Nemo evolved into a Memetchi! :angry: .. Mom let me tell my own story, please, I am 4, going on 5 today. I'll be moving out, possibly with Ellie and without Emmett.

Hey! Ellie isn't going to move in or out or whatever with you! She's going to have her own life.

Guys! Guys! Stop! I think that when we move out, we all move into this one house, together! We just don't need to be with Caillie anymore and do what she says! We'll be independent! But anyways, to my readers, I'm now a cute little Debatchi !

Yes, Please stop fighting! It's not going to do any good, because i know you're fighting over Ellie, and who's going to get her as their girlfriend, and none of you are, okay? You're all getting Matchmaker

Well, I don't have to.. do I?

Well.. no, but think about it. You'll be incestuous and then possibly have messed up babies, and everyone will be related eventually! It's gross, weird.. and probably illegal..

No, it's not. I looked it up. In Tamagotchi world anyone can have babies with anyone, as long as it's male to female.

I don't like that. I think that anyone should be able to get married!

Me too, but what can we do!

Yeah! Well.. I'm okay with marrying boys..

Emmett&Nemo-We're okay with marrying girls..

Yes, but your children may not think that way, or your children's children, or your children's children's children. Oh man, this has gone way to far, time to go now!


Caillie. <3 [breakfast?]


Just wanted everyone to know that all the tam's are 5, and that Emmett got a job yesterday..

He's a chef! Actually.. he just sorts silver ware but still :)



Today I looked over at Emmett and he was frozen!...

SO I pressed reset and downloaded him.

Later, I tried to go to his work with him and it was flashing and frozen AGAIN!

So this time I just put another battery in. ;)

I looked at him a little bit after that and he was getting Matchmaker!

At age 5!

I wasn't expecting that at all!

Anyways, Nemo is still 5.. I think, and Ellie is 6 :lol:

So the Matchmaker should come for them tomorrow, because Nemo should be turning 6 tonight and then both of them should turn 7, and that's when the Matchmaker comes!


Caillie. <3


I forgot to mention yesterday that Emmett had a baby boy. :p

Oops :angry:

Today I decided to see if Nemo and Ellie could get Matchmaker yet and Ellie did!

She had a baby boy too! :D :D

Nemo should be getting Matchmaker today sometime..

Also, Emmett and Ellie are paused so Nemo can catch up. :p


Caillie. <3


HEY! Will you please stop telling everyone mynews! Anywa-

I'm sorry ! I'm just so excited! You're just my last baby! Don't leave me!

ANYWAYS! The Matchmaker came today an-

WAAAHH! Don't leave me!!!

OMG! IGOTABABYBOY! There, I got it out!

I guess you're all grown up now, eh?

I guess so mom, yes.

Okay, you just have to let me say goodbye tomorrow then!

That's fine


Oh and everyone's unpaused,


I have a picture!


Caillie. <3


Sorry for not posting earlier or yesterday..

It's 9:53 pm here so yeah.

Almost bedtime!

Anyways, the tam's left their babies last night!

Yesterday night I raised 3 babies.. all at once. EXHAUSTING.

Okay so here we go!

V4: Alice>Jacob>Esme>Emmett>Mike

V3: Anna>Haley>Jamie>Ellie>Nate(Nathan)

V2: Eric>Nemo>Al(Aladdin)

Okay so that was a little timeline. :D

They're sleeping right now but I'll tell you what they are ;D

V4: Mike is a Petitchi who will be writing in yellow or gold, depending if people PM me saying that they can't read it. :D

V3: Nathan is a Tamatchi who will be writing in dark blue

V2: Aladdin is a Hidotetchi :blink: who will be writing in crimson

They should be evolving into teenagers right when they wake up :D

I'll let you know when I get home from school!

Caillie. <3

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Hey! It's Mike the V4! Let Caillie know if you can't see this colour by PM and she will change it. :D Anyways, guess what? I evolved! I'm a young Androtchi just like my dad! I really wanted to be in the Kutchi group but as a child I was a Petitchi so I couldn't :( Then I wanted to be in the Meme family.. but now I'm in the Mame family so now I want to become a ful Androtchi!

HEY I'm Nate, but please, call me Nathan ;) I evolved this morning from a Tamatchi into a Pirororitchi or something like that :p It's awesome! I don't know what i want to be yet though.. I'll look at Mom's charts later :(

I'm Aladdin! You know.. from the Disney movie? Yeah. Yesterday I evolved from a Hidotetchi into a Nikatchi! I think I look kind of girly right now but.. oh well. Nothing I can do about it. :p

Those are my boys! Oh, and they're all 1 years old! Turning 2 tonight probably.. :p


Caillie. <3

I've been on a couple times today and never updated! .. I thought I did though...

ANYWAYS, not much has happened except for the fact that they woke up as 2 year olds :p

They're sleeping now cuz it's like 10:30pm... but they'll wake up and be 3 :)

My sister has her 3 tama's up and going now too so they might be mentioned once in a while :p

OH, I might be ordering a glow-in-the-dark V4! :D YAY

Then, the only other tamagotchi that I want will be the white and blue translucent V4!

I'm excited! I just have to persuade my mom to buy it ;)

Caillie. <3

GUESS WHAT!? Oh yeah, that's right! I'm an ANDROTCHI :angry: !

Yes, Mike we know :angry:

I'm just excited.. ;)

Haha, well yes, Mike evolved but the others haven't. Either later tonight, or right when they wake up. Back to school though which means more sleeping during the day for the tam's :blink:

Oh well, at least they're not being paused. :(


Caillie. <3 [math assignment?]



Yeah, that's what!

Aladdin and Nathan evolved!

Right when I got home, I changed the time and BAM the change.

I'm not happy though.

Aladdin is a Tarakotchi, which is okay and Nathan is a Paparatchi! Like, OMG HE LOOKS LIKE A GIRL! And Nathan is named after Nathan on One Tree Hill! So he's not supposed be a girly character and ugly. ;)

Oh well, I can't do anything about it now.

OH and Mike got a job.. except I accidentally chose the designers/ fashion place. UGH I wanted him to be a scientist. D:

Caillie. <3


So today Mike got the Matchmaker!


He got another baby boy!



Maybe with the V3 or 2!


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My V3 and V2 got babies today!

Aladdin got the Matchmaker which brought along a lovely Hanatchi and a baby girl!

I was so excited!

Nathan got together with my sister's V3 named Holly and had baby boys.

At least I have one girl..


Caillie. <3 [bORED]


So, tonight I'm going to set the clocks ahead [after I know it's been 24 hours] and start up the babies! :kuribotchi:

I'm excited :3


It's the weekend!


Caillie. <3 [ :'( ]

Okay, so like not last night but the night before, I started up the babies!


V4(Twilight)->Alice>Jacob>Esme>Emmett>Mike>and now James

V3(One Tree Hill)->Anna>Haley>Jamie>Ellie>Nathan>and now Tim

V2(Disney)->Eric>Nemo>Aladdin>and now Belle

I hope that for the people who know any of the themes that I'm using, where the names are coming from. LOL


James will write in fire brick

Tim will write in lime

and Belle will write in dodger blue

Hey! I'm James! I'm 1 years old and a teenager called a Gourmetchi. I'm so happy I got into the Meme group! I want to become a Tosaktchi! Or however you spell it.. :p I'm waiting for Mr. Turtlepedia to come and get me to go to school, but so far, no luck. OH I was a Petitchi as a child. :D

Hi, I'm Tim :p All the ladies love me! I'm a Hinatchi, I think.. Oh well. I was a Kutchitamatchi as a child. I hope I become something manly, unlike my dad Nathan the Paparatchi.. :(

Hello! I'm Belle! I'm so happy that I'm a girl, and not a boy. Ew. Anyways, I was a Hidotetchi as a child and now I'm a Puroperatchi--> ;)

I wanted to become an Itchigotchi.. but no such luck.


Well, I just realized that I never did a picture of Nathan, Aladdin, and Mike as adults, so I hope to get that done soon :D


Caillie. <3 [breakfast?]

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Well, I've been busy!

But I'm still playing with my tama's, here they are!

Hey, It's James. I'm a Tosakatchi. Yeah. I'm also 4, and want to get a job.

Okay that was weird..

HEYA! It's Tim! Yeah I'm back, that's right! And all the ladies love me! Ooh yeah! Well, I became a Chomametchi? I look like a rabbit type thing. haha

It's Belle! I evolved too! I'm a Mimitchi! I was going for a Chohimetchi, but I failed ;) Oh well, maybe one of my kids or grandchildren will be :p I'm so excited to get Matchmaker and stuff!


Caillie. <3 [kinda siick?]

GUESS WHAT?! I met this guy named Han and he's a Chohimetchi, the thing I wanted to be, and we had children! I now have an adorable little boy with me!

:D I'm so happy!

Yeah! Well I married a Mimiyoritchi, (who was really hot) from the Matchmaker and now I have a baby girl!

Okay, but I got a baby girl too, but with a sexy Violetchi. Yeah. Finally a girl.

I'm so proud of you all! I feel like I haven't had much time with you at all, and I'm sorry, but I promise to try to spend time with your children even though its exam week. ;)

I appreciate it Caillie

Yeah. Thanks.

You're welcome James.. haha

I'm going to miss you Caillie! WAHHHHH!

Oh Tim, you still have some time with me left, don't be sad.

I know.. :(

Okay, well BYE

Caillie. <3 [study time?]

Okay, so last night the tam's were supposed to leave their children, but I paused them.


Because I'm in grade 11, high school, and I have exams and I'm sick. So right now is really not a good time. I think that they will be unpaused and new babies will be here on Wednesday night, so the 27th. I'm excited for the new babies!


Sorry for having to pause them!

I hate pausing them.. but it's the right thing to do at the moment.

Caillie. <3 [bLAH, sick]
