Well, at first when I hear about a new Tamagotchi version, I am like " OOH, REALLY?! GOTTA BUY!" and I'm really buying it then.

I usually take some friend with me ('cause I don't wanna be only one to buy). Then I'm all excited for a while , maybe a week, but after that it gets all normal. Then I'm like "One more to collection, cool..." and nothing else. xD
I got my very first Tamagotchi (v1) on christmas 2004. At first I did just keep it as an ordinary present, but later I found out that it was the best present ever! I loved it, and I had a friend who also got one. That was seriosly the best christmas I ever had!!
Then one day I bumbed to my classmate and she had a Tamagotchi, also. But I was really confused, because there was a shop and a weird character I never had seen. So, my friend told me it's something new. A version 2! I was so sad that my Tama was a lame v1 with no shop or cool characters, so I told my mother that I wanted a v2. She told me that I could go and buy one. I was so happy and went to buy it! <3
And my other friend was showing me her v3 once... She said "Look this is v3 it's cool!!! Look at that antenna, you can visit Tamatown with it!!" and I was like "Okay...". xD Well, back then I didn't care. But later, I got a chance to buy one and I did.
Then once I was in internet, surfing from sites to others. Then I found some Tamagotchi site and there was something new! V4 JinSei!! I've gotta have it, I told myself and told my friend too. At first my friend said she doesn't want one, but then she changed her mind and came with to buy one. We loved v4's!
Then I saw v4.5 in one shop. I weren't interested... But later I found out from internet that it was something WAY better than v4, so I asked my friend to come with me and buy one anyway.
Hahha, and about v5... That was just crazy. Me and my friend we're freaking out because v5's weren't sold anywhere in here! We we're sad for weeks... And then suddenly we both got them in the same day (different ways thought) and we we're soooo happy. But now they are completely boring
Oh god. What a long post... o_o