buying a new tama help please


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Feb 20, 2007
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ok so my siter wants to buy a tamagotchi but she wants either a v5 or v4 any other place besidess ebay where there sold -_-

you can buy them at toys r us, walmart, (or any other shopping website).

Go to Toys R Us. The last time I visited, I believe they had V5s. I also recommend not getting the V4 but maybe getting the V4.5, or if you want the most advanced version, get the Tamagotchi Music Star. These are Tamagotchis in english. Japanese have the Tamagotchi+Color.

You don't need to buy them online, you can buy them at target and toys r us.

by the way xoswanxo, the v4 is in english, you may be thinking of the entama, which is the japanese version. v4 and v4.5 are the same besides the games and different characters. ;)

Hm... I don't think any shops will sell V4s any more. A few may have V5s, but you will have to look around a bit. It will depend on your area, too.

As for online places, I got a V3 from Amazon just a couple of months ago. It wasn't cheap, but if you don't mind that, it's ok. So, or (depending on your country) might have what you want.


I'll rather get tamagotchi v5. I have tamagotchi v5 and v4, but I like tamagotchi v5 better... :p

Hi there,

I reccomend going to any shopping website because they are quite cheap there and they usaly have the older versions of tamagotchis. If you dont want to buy one online try and look around at target and toys r us still no luck finding one there? Sometimes you can find tamas at markets! I also think you should get a v4 for your sister they are easy to use and v5s arent that fun to play with... Good luck in getting a tamagotchi for your sister!


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