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Not anymore. I got verbally bullied almost everyday.

I usually lul at their pathetic attempts to "hurt" me.

I was bullied alot in 3rd and 4th grade.

Now, I can't picture myself getting bullied. Some people are mean to me, but now I have friends and confidence to be mean back

I was FRIEND of a BULLY, his name was Diego, I always told him not to do the bad stuff, but now that he went to another school, Victor is the new bully, tough he is not my friend, he doesnt bully me, he is not actually a bully, is his "title", tough not THAT extreme, he only gets you out of the way and tries to get you out of the games and get in MY place.

There was a bully named Zacary at another school i was in four years ago that said YOUR MOM IS A PIG, YOU AND YOUR FAMILY ARE USELESS, and things like that, i got so angry that i wanted to...

Well, this is not a place to express graphic violence.

Srry for that .___.

I was bullied in grade school all the time by other girls, until I couldn't take it any more. Then I fought back, and they didn't bother me again. Then we became friends.

I'm harassed a lot by girls at school. They send me mean texts, facebook messages, and just won't leave me alone. All for no reason.

It's pretty much just this one girl mainly. It's like her life REVOLVES around talking about me.

Just the other day, my sorta ex friend asked me -

"Why were you at the wrestling match last night?"

And I was like, "...how did you know I was there?"

"Kassidy told me."

Like, SERIOUSLY? I lol'd. I feel like a celebrity half the time by the way she talks about me and for the most pointless reasons.

I think everyone in my grade is sort of past it all; there's still the girls and guys who say stuff about other people but it's not like they fully get into fights and stuff about it. I think everyone sort of sees it as pretty childish, you know?

But yes, I've been bullied, even up to last year, but this year everyone seems to be over it, thankfully.

I've been bullied to the point where I've been like, beaten up and all that. People have started some pretty good rumours about me. One was that I was a lesbian, but at the same time, one was going out that I was pregnant, so everyone sort of just went hey wtf. LOL. But yeah, it's all good.

its a constant for me manly two things tho.

My hight

my skin color ( ya u heard me right i get treated badly because im white)

So whenever someone looks at me they look up holly crap ur tall sasquach. stuff like that and so when they say stuff like " Hey sasquach can you play basketball " i go " hey midget can you go on a rolocauster with me oh wait ur too tiny to even ride the pony rides" they get pi**ed and i just say karma man.

Whenever somone makes fun of me and i get pi**ed i yell at them. they reply with " Beter watch it white trash ill rock ur traylor park dome." it pisses me off (its mostly the natives at my school) so i say " Guess what Native a** whipe better watch it or ill stomp on your a**" (cuz im tall) i used to cry now i just think of the best come back i can

little kids are so rude to me sometimes.

so me and my bff are on the bus and we were making fun of this lil irls hair and shes like " ur a waist of air" and we lauged and made fun f that to do then she goes " shut up pigs ill kick ur bahookie" so then we mocked that too. she almost cried and told the bus driver but then we were like " no cassy were sorry ur hairs lame an u said bahookie and that u almost got ur face messed up cuz u called us pigs. " she smiled hugged us and goes " you no what i think we can be friends we were like laughing so hard cuz she didnt like get that we were insulting er. then we got bullied for weeks bye her older sister KARMA i tell you. so dont bully unless u can take a bully back

I've been bullied

I've witnessed bullying

and maby I've done a little bullying... Nah I'm just kidding unless you count me picking on my freind as bullying.

little kids are so rude to me sometimes.
so me and my bff are on the bus and we were making fun of this lil irls hair and shes like " ur a waist of air" and we lauged and made fun f that to do then she goes " shut up pigs ill kick ur bahookie" so then we mocked that too. she almost cried and told the bus driver but then we were like " no cassy were sorry ur hairs lame an u said bahookie and that u almost got ur face messed up cuz u called us pigs. " she smiled hugged us and goes " you no what i think we can be friends we were like laughing so hard cuz she didnt like get that we were insulting er. then we got bullied for weeks bye her older sister KARMA i tell you. so dont bully unless u can take a bully back
I lol'd. Making fun of little girls and stretching the truth is cool.

Anyways, I don't get bullied, nor do I bully. Everyone here pretty much stays in little groups with their friends and don't even look at other people. :]

There's this boy in my class who CONSTANTLY picks on me. It doesn't really damage me emotionally, it just makes me annoyed. My English teacher was convinced I was getting bullied because during class the boy kept blabbing on and on until I eventually lost it and yelled at him explicitly and aimed a chair at him then when the teacher dragged me off I told him that the boy wouldn't quit bothering me, so yeah. I was also sobbing, but that was from rage. Good thing is, the English teacher told guidance and the guidance phoned the boy's mum so he got into huge trouble and his brother also called him a p***y for picking on a girl.
(Christ that sentence structure fails)

That boy’s become even more of a jerk now and a few of the other boys have decided to join in. They've also started spreading a few ridiculous rumours (yes, you heard me, gossiping boys). They’ve not resorted to violence though -yet-, but I sometimes find myself getting so p***ed off at them that I throw something heavy at them or, in one case, strangled this little twerp who was driving me freaking crazy. Yes, I have a slight temper problem.

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There used to be a group of boys, and i used to like timmy-turner from that nickelodeon show (i dont anymore) but, i used to shout that i like timmy turner, and it was THIS year, when i was really screwed up in the mind at the time xD and then later everytime they passed me the would say "Timmy-Turner is dead!" or "timmy turner got hit by a train!" they still do it, but since i hate timmy turner now they still think i like him but now its sorta funny xD because i answer back "Hey...That's Funny!" or "I dont care just screw off or ill kick you in the bahookie" lol so its now funny when they do it now! pretty soon they will get tired of saying that funny phrase! xD Next time, ill get revenge, they like the magic school bus and they are only in grade 6! so ill say "Mrs Frizzle died in a car crash!"

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I get verbally bullied just so people can see me get upset. They think it's fun. It's not fun for me. How would they feel if they were me? Now this girl at school is picking on my best friend, Kaycee. It's just not right. So, I guess you could say I've experienced and witnessed bullying.

Today we got back a shitton of papers in Biology, and someone wrote "***" across a paper I had turned in

My teacher gave me a grade I didn't deserve on it because I guess she felt sorry for me or something.

And I pretended like I didn't care and laughed but I really did care. I hate 95% of the people at my school.

I honestly have never been bullied.

I can really stand up for myself well.

Not that I need to, as I am just someone who can get along with anyone, despite even the biggest differences.

I've always been shy around people I don't know, so I never had many proper friends when I was younger.


I have an amusing last name so it was ALWAYS picked on, but I got over that after a while. I was just like 'Those jokes are SO old!' and they eventually stopped because they realised they weren't getting a reaction, and they were the ones who looked stupid. I'm proud of my last name now.


There were the occasional days where I would fake sick to get out of going to school and facing certain people who always put me down, but year 7 and 8 were the worst years. I had no friends in my class, so everyone would laugh at me, call me names, throw stuff at me, and I'd always cry because I was easily upset and an easy target for bullies... until one day I stopped crying and stopped giving them the reaction they wanted, and they just got bored of me because no matter what they did, I never said a word and just sat in my seat as if nothing happened. Their insults still hurt, but from what they could see, they just bounced off me and had no effect.


It screwed me up a bit, because I had other things going on in my life which made it a rough time for me, but Looking back, the experiences have toughened me up a lot and I'm not affected by what people think of me anymore. People in my year have matured and they have no problems with me at all now. All of the main idiots dropped out of school as soon as they could.

I have witnessed it.

I've always tried to stop the person, who bullies the other person.

I've never been bullied.... unless it's by my best friend.

Which I know is all fake. x)

My little brother Noah was having problems with bullies at his school a while ago. I had also been having problems with bullies at my school too. But since it was mostly rumor-spreading and name-calling, my Mum had said "Just ignore them". I'd like to see her try that! Anyway, my Mum and Dad once told me about a rather shocking discovery that they had at the parents-meeting the day before. Last October, my brother Noah came home with a bump and a few scabs on his forehead. The letter that Noah brought home said that he had fallen over, and the teachers saw it happen. But Noah said that his arch-enemy Bertie had tripped him over and kicked him. Noah has a history with Bertie. At one point Bertie punched him directly in the face when he tried to stick up for some girl in his class. And one other time, Bertie pushed him over, and then went and told the teachers that Noah pushed him over! But my parents believed the letter and told Noah off for telling lies. For 5 months Noah had stuck to the same story, and my spent that whole time telling him off for lying. But my Mum had begun to doubt whether what Mrs F had written in the letter was true, because an 8-year-old kid might make up a quick lie like that, but they don't hold onto it for 5 months. By then, Noah was telling my parents that Bertie had gathered up some other kids to help him gang up on Noah. They apparently formed a circle around him and took it in turns to push him over. Noah went and told his teacher, and what did she say to those brats? "Don't do that tomorrow when the Ofsted inspectors are here." (Ofsted are some company that seem to go around inspecting schools and writing public reports on how good they are.) The day after the report for that school came out, there was a parents meeting, so the teachers could discuss some of the problems that Ofsted had written down on the report. Apperently bullying wasn't on it! :eek: At the end of the meeting, my parents went and talked to the teacher alone to tell them about the attack that Noah had had with those kids, and also about the supposed lie about Bertie tripping him up last October. And amazingly, she admitted it was all true! :eek: Those kids had attacked Noah and that is what the teachers had said to them. And as for the alleged lie, they admitted that they had lied to my parents and that they saw Bertie trip Noah and kick him!! :eek: :p :D And why did they not want this to become public? Because they were worried about their precious Ofsted report! :angry:


There is a woman named Sian (Pronounced "Sharn") living across the road form our house who is the Deputy head, and my Mum called her over, because she wanted to discuss the bullying situation with her. I was sitting in the same room during their discussion. And it was really something! I've never seen my Mum get that angry. Sian seemed to be trying to turn the blame around on Noah, by saying that he never seems to mix with those kids. Put yourself in his shoes, would you want to mix with the jerks who had gone a caused you pain for their own amusement? And when Sian eventually said that telling them not to do it in front of the Ofsted reporters was "all they could do", my Mum lost it. She screamed at Sian, telling her that she can write to their parents keep them inside during recess, etc. And then she threatened her that unless she sorts any of this out properly, she will report them to the proper authorities. And then they will be in trouble.

Its hard because once you get a horrible reputation, you can't get rid of it. People will bully you for however knows how long and its very hard to deal with. I hate how some people get bullied. Its horrible. I just want to beat them up for being so mean. But I can't. I'll always hate bullies, thats for sure. People nowadays are so horrible and I actually want to be homeschooled. You guys are so lucky if your homeschooled seriously.

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