building a bond with my new bunny


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Well-known member
Sep 13, 2006
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i got a new bunny a couple of weeks ago and i want to build a strong trust bond with him (despite the fact he is ((and will forever be)) a hutch bunny) some days he will playfully hop up to me when i open the hutch and lick my nose and other days the moment i open his hutch he will cower in fear in the saftey of his wooden box and he will run away every time i aproach him, its obvios he is unsure about me and i want to build a strong trust bond between the two of us, any ideas?

Well, you could try to feed him treats like carrots and cabbage. Also, try to get him out in the open a little more. The more time you spend with him, the closer you'll be.

when you pick a rabbit up, hold it by the feet, all rabbits get freaked out if you don't hold their feet

keep giving her treats- like when you are holding her

try grabbing her by the back of her neck, then place your one hand on her feet(hold them)

for a while you can pet her while shes in the cage, so she can get use to you

~Information found by google :]

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When I first got my bunny, I was told to hold him for 15 to 20 minutes a day for a month or so. I think it worked really well, because my rabbit got used to being handled and he also got used to me. Now whenever my rabbit comes out to play and I lay on the floor, he'll hop right over to me and will jump onto my stomach and starts putting his whiskers in my face. :)

Make sure to take him out to play everyday and always stay in the room with him. It might be even better if you sit on floor while playing with him, so he can come up to you and visit whenever he wants and get comfortable with you. Also, before you go to take him out of his cage, say something to him. That way he will know it is you, a friend, coming to get him out of his cage, not some monster he doesn't know.

I do/did all of this stuff with my bunny and now whenever I go outside, he runs right out of his little box in his cage and runs in circles and stomps on the floor of his cage, wanting me to take him out. :D

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