Well-known member
This was a topic made in 2008 so i am starting it up again.
There where ALOT of bugs in my bedroom/houses. this may be long!!
when i was 4 i was really freaked out by bees, during one boring summer day i left my window open, well bad idea, i didnt know that if you left the window open bugs might come in, well a bee flew in my room and i started freaking out and i stomped on it and it died.
i dont get freaked out by bees anymore. i find them really cute! ^-^ but i do get freaked out by wasps and hornets because they can just keep on stinging you.
Earwigs creep me out, and dont know how many i steped on.
and wood bugs i got scared of those in grade 5 there was a infestation of them and everyone freaked out when we saw one.
pretty funny xD
There where ALOT of bugs in my bedroom/houses. this may be long!!
when i was 4 i was really freaked out by bees, during one boring summer day i left my window open, well bad idea, i didnt know that if you left the window open bugs might come in, well a bee flew in my room and i started freaking out and i stomped on it and it died.
Earwigs creep me out, and dont know how many i steped on.
and wood bugs i got scared of those in grade 5 there was a infestation of them and everyone freaked out when we saw one.
pretty funny xD