Britain's Got Talent


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Well-known member
Aug 20, 2006
Reaction score
East Midlands
Diversity won, but do you think it was fair? I think it's great that they won, and I bet (ha ha) that a lot of people were sad last night because Susan Boyle didn't win. Flawless blew it I think but their semi-final act was great.

Let me know what you think!!

Giraffagotchi B)

I wished that Diversty to win and I was quite dissapointed that Susan Boyle was in the final because that meant that they woulden't stand a chance. And guess what. They won (Diversity). Hollie was good to but she ruined it in the semi final. How did Flawless blow it? I didn't see the final I only saw the result.

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Umm... Flawless (I think) didn't have a very good routine. It didn't really get going. Diversity were great because they took the mick out of the judge's buzzers etc. Look up "diveristy final" on YTube and you should get something. It's great. I know what you mean about the semi-final and Hollie Steel; I think people didn't vote for her as muchas Diversity because they maybe thought that she couldn't hold it together?

He was alright, I think. His voice sounded a little bit croaky to me, I remember. I didn't think that he was the best there, but deffo not the worst. Shaun Smith's semi-final act was great (the U2 song), but his final choice wasn't right. One of my friends said something about a Michael Buble song, that it would be better for him.


i dont like Susan Boyle! :rolleyes:

by the way i live in australia! i dont watch stuff like that!

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In the final, Susan Boyle looked petrified against Diversity. I don't really think she would have done very well if she had won because of the Live tours she's been pulling out of. I know it's hard for her, but I think that may be a reason why people didn't vote for her as much in the final? She was slightly bonkers too; she went really mad onstage, like her comment to Simon about her age. That made me cringe!!

