boy's boy's boy's


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Aug 13, 2009
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do you have any annoying brother's or maybe even annoying sister's?.even though this is all about annoying brother's..ok if you do please reply :wacko:


I have an older brother. Three years older then me. He's going to be 17 in October.

I love him. He's really a good guy. We have really interesting conversations about LotR and Star Wars and... well... without him, I wouldn't be me. What you think I just got into Star Wars and Lord of the Rings all on my own? No way. It was all him. :)

We do fight sometimes but he's my only sibling so we're pretty good friends. 8D

Ohyes. Yes, I do.

Two of them. They are nine and ten. o:<

They enjoy annoying me. I sold the older one to my friend Michael. 8D

I sang the topic title.

Boys boys boys - Lady Gaga

And yusss. 15 year old brother who just decided to start kissing and hugging me to annoy me infront of my friends because I wouldn't give him a drink. Wait until tomorrow when HE'S with HIS friends.

Edit:// I just realised, you're Melissa's friend! O:

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I don't have any brothers at all. xD

I do have a sister though, but she's 9 years older than me and I don't get to see her much.

She just turned 22, and I'm about to be 13. ^^

I have three younger brothers. The twins are 11 and the other is 13.

They make my life horrible.

xD Yeah.

One younger brother, Reuben. I've always considered him to be my cute little brother, and when I think of how old he is, I still imagine the days when he was in, like, year three.

But he's actually just started secondary school - eleven going on twelve. O:

My brother and I argue lots. But we also laugh and get along a lot too. So it's all good. :)

I don't want him to grow up, he needs to be little forever. -SoundsMotherly-

EDIT: He's not older than Ksenia xD

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I have a little brother, benjamin.

He's, um... ten x]

We argue a lot, usually he says a lot of big words that he doesn't know the meaning of, lol, and he's a huge suck-up to my mom. He would tell her that she looks like a 'superstar' when she just got out of bed xD

And he always wins since he's the cute little 'neglected' child 8D

But I can't imagine not having a brother. That would suck.

One sister, one brother.

My brother's really annoying, 4 years older, and I dont interact with my sister that much, 12 years older.

one younger brother, two older brothers.

younger brother is really obnoxious, one of the older brothers is autistic, and my oldest has a bad attitude.

too bad, i have no sisters.


There is nothing he can do right.

Someone needs to just push him off a cliff.

He has the most annyoing habits and my parents actually dislike him a lot. He's just got a personality no one likes, seriously, he drove all his friends away and complains about why no one likes him. I can't even count the ammount of times I've just wanted to push him off a building. He has no respect for mum or daddy and wonders why mum and daddy never want to take him places or buy him things.

Edit:// I just realised, you're Melissa's friend! O:

Anyway. I have one brother who is absolutely incrediblizing. He is ten years older than me, meaning he's 22. :) Unfortunately he is off living on his own now, but I still see him every once in a while, talk to him on Facebook, and we still have the greatest injokes.


So, for some reason, he somehow reminds me of Krystal's brother.. :D

Oh, I do but I'd never even dream of thinking of him as "annoying." In fact, I don't think I'd ever be where I was now if not for him. He is 22 years old, but can act both twice his age and act 10 years younger. Basically, he's got a bit of an immature streak in him but he's still my brother and I'll always love him for it. He's introduced me to so many things that I don't think I can live without and we very rarely fight either. Life would be tons boring without him and always will be. He still lives with us and he's bound to finish his online animation course, but he's probably one of the best people I've ever met, even for a relative.

Our number one hobby: PLAYING VIDEOGAMES AND WATCHING MOVIES.So, for some reason, he somehow reminds me of Krystal's brother.. :)
Aww~ You're so right. 8D My brother and your brother would get along great. :) And of course you and I get along epicly. WE'LL JUST HAVE TO ARRANGE A PLAYDATE SOMEDAY.

Older brother ftw. (Most of the time)

I have a younger brother & two younger step sisters :)

Even though they're pretty spaz, they can be pretty cool sometimes and yeah I love the regardless of their moments haha.

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