Boy Trouble


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What should I do?

  • Tell him through email

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tell him in person

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  • Don't tell him at all

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (specify in post)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wait for a bit (specify in post how long)

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Well-known member
Oct 6, 2005
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
Okay, so I have a best friend who's a boy. He's really nice and funny and he's stuck with me through thick and thin. Well, we've been friends for a few years, about 3, and I started developing a crush on him. I left the school we were at, and he was really sad :( but one of my friends who still goes to the school said he admitted to having a crush on me, too. I really want to tell him how I feel, but I'm afraid of what he'll say. I haven't seen him in a while and I probably won't see him again for a while, either, so I can't tell him in person. We've been talking over email, though. Should I tell him thru email, not tell him at all, or wait? I need some advice here! :D

"~* tamakitty710 *~"

If you tell him by E-Mail then He'll have time to think about what he wants to say back to you and what he feels for you. But if you tell him in person he might be a bit shocked then not be your friend anymore.

Ok. Here's my advice. I think you need to tell him in person. My boyfriend used to have a crush on me long before I did him, but he was afraid to tell me. Then, one time when he called me, he admitted it that he liked me and I did to him, too. Now we're boyfriend and girlfriend!

Before you tell him, you need to make sure he does like you. Once I told a really early crush that I liked him and he's acted weird with me ever since.

so, here's the plan:

1. Make sure he likes you. (I don't know how - maybe get your friend who's still at the school to investigate a little.

2. Make a date to see him in person. Or if you run into him, and he's around without a parent, stay with him and tell him.

3. Wish, hope, think and pray for him to not respond all weird.

If he really is your friend, and if he doesn't like you in that way, he will probably be cool with it and not tell anyone. In the words of Avril Lavigne, "He wanted her, she'd never tell, and secretly she wanted him as well."

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Thanks everyone ^_^ We were getting some plans to get together soon, but nothing final. I was going to call him this afternoon. But the problem with telling the person who's still at the school : She can't keep a secret! I haven't told her at all, and I don't plan to. She would tell, like, the whole school (not very hard, only like 170 kids).

I think you should tell him in person. Something like-Can I talk to you for a minute?


You:You told me once that you like me, right?


You:Well, see the truth is.......................

e.t.c.I'm not fond of boys, I can't stick them-except my brothers, they're great!-so I can't give too much advice on that one.....

But you just gotta tell him in person. That's all I know.

Okay, so I have a best friend who's a boy. He's really nice and funny and he's stuck with me through thick and thin. Well, we've been friends for a few years, about 3, and I started developing a crush on him. I left the school we were at, and he was really sad :wub: but one of my friends who still goes to the school said he admitted to having a crush on me, too. I really want to tell him how I feel, but I'm afraid of what he'll say. I haven't seen him in a while and I probably won't see him again for a while, either, so I can't tell him in person. We've been talking over email, though. Should I tell him thru email, not tell him at all, or wait? I need some advice here! :wub:
"~* tamakitty710 *~"
Sounds like a great guy. My best friend and me were in constant contact online for 3 years before going out. If the feelings mutual you need to tell him instead of hesistating. You might not get another chance. The feeling of losing one's chance at something special will make you feel 110% worse than trying and not working out you know? You don't have much to lose. Go for it ^_^

TheAngelicReaper, they are NOT breaking up - they are GETTING TOGETHER!!! ^_^ It WAS a great idea I had!!! *rolls eyes again* :wub:


Off topic:

Why is your avvie Christmassy? :huh: CHANGE IT!!! :wub: (again!)

Thanks everyone. But I'm so nervous! I said I'd call him now. Better go get the phone... :wub:
Oh I'm sure he'd be nervous too. Don't sweat it. Remember if it doesn't work out, you both are still best friends ^_^ If it does work out, you'll be best friends and possibly more :wub: win/win really.

Ugh, I'm not going to call him rite now. My stepdad is in the room >.< he'll be all "Who are you talking to?" and I'll be like "Just one of my friends" and he'll be all "Is it a BOY?!"

I really think that you should tell him in person :angry: cause emails can't really show emotion

even know i am a big fan of writing emails, i think face 2 face is better :wacko:

pm me to say how it goes :wacko:

Ok, this is my response.

this happened to me before also.

If u really like him,

tell him.

And if he likes u to,

then he will understand how you feel.


if u don't tell him,

then he will never know will he?


if he doesn't like u and u end up making a fool of urself,

then at least he will know.


u can always ask to forget all about it.

I'd say....

Give it a try.

Over email or in person.

But over email would be a bit easier.

If u try,

then at least you know that it would never work out,,

but if u don't,

u might find urself wondering about what woulda happened if u told him.

best of luck,


Thanks everyone. I didn't call him... i had to study for my exams :lol: another time when school gets in the way of my personal life :lol: anyways, I emailed him telling him that i couldnt call him... he hasn't emailed me in a while, but i bet he's busy (he usually is).

TELL HIM IN PERSON!!! i've had this type of a problem before but mine ended up BAD(by bad i mean heart broken bad) but this guy you explaining sounds sweet so go for it.

Okay, so I have a best friend who's a boy. He's really nice and funny and he's stuck with me through thick and thin. Well, we've been friends for a few years, about 3, and I started developing a crush on him. I left the school we were at, and he was really sad :huh: but one of my friends who still goes to the school said he admitted to having a crush on me, too. I really want to tell him how I feel, but I'm afraid of what he'll say. I haven't seen him in a while and I probably won't see him again for a while, either, so I can't tell him in person. We've been talking over email, though. Should I tell him thru email, not tell him at all, or wait? I need some advice here! :huh:
"~* tamakitty710 *~"
I think you should stop worrieng about boyfriends. What you need to focus on is school.

Bratzgrox- Please don't be rude. Why does it matter if someone has a christmas avatar?

Would you like me to say to you: Why do you have a disney avvie?! CHANGE IT! :huh: ? I don't think so. ;)


I think you should stop worrieng about boyfriends. What you need to focus on is school.

Bratzgrox- Please don't be rude. Why does it matter if someone has a christmas avatar?

Would you like me to say to you: Why do you have a disney avvie?! CHANGE IT! :wacko: ? I don't think so. :huh:

I seriously do not have to focus on school. No offense... The school I changed to is MUCH easier. Almost all of the material we're doing now (6th grade) is stuff I did in like 2nd grade. I'm not kidding. It's SOOO easy. I just had exams and I didn't study at all for the Language Arts one, and I did SOOO well!!! So I don't have to focus on school :p

I don't know... I really haven't been "together" with a boy, ever. I know, I'm lame! :huh: (no comment to the lame thing, it was a joke)

Anyway, If you E-mail him things might not be as akward. But don't hang on his eveyr last word on an E-mail and act all gooey and stuff, cause boys aren't really into that kinda stuff... (Neither am I! :p ) Anyway, you should either call him or put it through e-mail. Face-to-face could seem really akward if something does turn out he doesn't like you the way you like him, but that sounds seriously doubtful. Good luck! :wacko:

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