Boy Puberty?


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I wouldn't of thought so because girls sometimes tend to have smaller hands than boys.
Even though I have long fingers my boyfriends are huge compared to mine, maybe it's just a myth.
Maybe for boys, but I doubt that would work with girls.

all i know is that when guys r goin through puberty they tend 2 get POed really easily @ any 1 4 no reason @ all!!!

What is it used for?
If woman wants to have a baby when they marry.

They need to have there husband give there sperm, you can save up your sperm in a sperm bank.

When I learned about sperm, I was grossed out. T-T

(it would be inappriate for me to tell you the rest)

If woman wants to have a baby when they marry.They need to have there husband give there sperm, you can save up your sperm in a sperm bank.

When I learned about sperm, I was grossed out. T-T

(it would be inappriate for me to tell you the rest)
Sex is how you make babies. The husband/boyfriend has to ejacutale inside the woman to try and concieve a child - using no protection. Sometimes it can take months to fall pregnant.

I think your talking about men donating sperm which is given to a sperm bank [i don't know what it's called] and then some women use that sperm to try and have a baby.

There are actually alot of ways for a woman trying to get pregnant - Naturally, IVF, sperm donatations etc etc.

What is it used for?
For reproducing and making a baby. I'm not going to say how that happens, though. I'm a boy, trust me. I know what this is. I've been through health.

This may sound strange!But i like going through it!(It comes with alot of side affects)

PM me for anymore info!

Yeah. I hate to say it, but it's happening. Ur right, there is TONS of side affects. I LOVE IT THOUGH!

You can ask me about guy and girl puberty because I went through Health and had to study and take tests and quizes about it.

Go ahead, ask me a question...

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The only thing that's 100 % effective is abstinence which is not having sex.
No. I really hate to be rude and inappropriate but...

There is also a thing called...ahem....buttsex.

That is when the....erected penis....gets, uh, stuck into the females or sometimes, the males....anus, ahem, or butthole.

If the sperm goes into the anus, the sperm will not get into the females egg and start the stage of reproduction.

Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! I just needed to point that out.

I don't like talking about this!


One of my friends (who happens to be a boy) was a soprano in chorus. Suddenly he couldn't sing soprano anymore and had to become an alto! Quite a switch there...
Well, I don't want to go into great detail... "That white stuff" is called semen (posted a few times, just recapping :furawatchi: ). It contains sperm that is used to reproduce. When a sperm connects with an egg inside of a woman's uterus, they create a baby. Not instantly, but it fertilizes, just like a chicken egg, and women become pregnant. This happens during intercourse.

Acne is also caused by bacteria, oil, and other things. It can be treated. Left untreated, acne can leave bad scars... Acne scars are not attractive! xD I've seen them, they are rather weird.

semon is actually pee mixed with sperm. There is a difference.

JaVaCaVa11: That's called an erection. I don't know EXACTLY what happens, something with bloodflow and whatnot, but it usually happens when you think about *it*, or a girl that you may like a lot. It's normal, so don't worry too much about it.
.::Cutie::. : No, but the symptoms may feel as if you are sick. Growing pains, (if you're a girl) cramps, bloating, fatigue (tiredness), etc. The symptoms for PMSing are worse than actually GETTING your period! Getting your period doesn't hurt... I think it's kinda like peeing. A lot of girls don't notice they get it until they look at their panties when they go to the bathroom... I'm not saying everyone looks at their panties... xD I don't know what a boy feels, seeing that I am a girl. Hopefully a boy who has experienced this will explain it further!

JaCaCaVa11: Kind of the right definition. Tama-Kitty got it right, when you have an erection, it usually means that your thinking of "it" or thinking of a girl. I'm a boy, so sometimes when you get an erection, your "thing" won't go down, so when girls go by and they see that you are having an erection, they laugh if you are thinking of a girl that you like alot and they say ewwww if you are thinking about "it". That happens at my school.

Hope this helps...

The Positive and Negative Things About Boy Puberty:

Here are some good and bad things about puberty:

Bad Things About Boy Puberty

1. You grow hair in places you don't really want to

2. You start really liking girls (i like)

3. You start having more erections (annoying)

4. Acne on Your Face (I don't have any because I wash my face 2 times a day and eat no junk food which causes oily skin for the acne to grow...)

Good Things About Boy Puberty

1. Your "thing" gets bigger. (I like it, it feels more natural, it makes you feel like you are growing into a man and you aren't just a kid anymore. Sorry to be gross.)

2. You start getting more and bigger muscles on your body. (assuming you don't eat TONS of food and don't exercise.)

3. Your Voice gets deeper (i like it, because my voice has always been kinda squeaky and now its nice to have a slightly deeper voice.)

4. You get taller

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But I'm wondering...What is an erection like...@.@ lol..
Sorry about my pervertedness o_O @.@

(Is pervertedness even a word? lmao)
It just feels like your "thing" is hard and it sticks up and if people see your "thing" pushing against your pants its REALLy embarrasing.

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JaVaCaVa11: That's called an erection. I don't know EXACTLY what happens, something with bloodflow and whatnot, but it usually happens when you think about *it*, or a girl that you may like a lot. It's normal, so don't worry too much about it.
.::Cutie::. : No, but the symptoms may feel as if you are sick. Growing pains, (if you're a girl) cramps, bloating, fatigue (tiredness), etc. The symptoms for PMSing are worse than actually GETTING your period! Getting your period doesn't hurt... I think it's kinda like peeing. A lot of girls don't notice they get it until they look at their panties when they go to the bathroom... I'm not saying everyone looks at their panties... xD I don't know what a boy feels, seeing that I am a girl. Hopefully a boy who has experienced this will explain it further!

Let me explain. I'm a boy, and I'm going through it right now.

First, Boy Puberty doesn't hurt at ALL. It's just uncomfortable. Its really strange because you get erections so frequently, its not even funny. Not because your are thinking about having "it" with a girl or thinking of a really hot girl or someone you like, sometimes your ahem, penis has an erection out of the blue. YOu can be thinking of nothing, and then all of a sudden you get an erection. I hate it, because it is sooooooooooooooooooooooooo embarrassing.

However, there are some GOOD things about boy puberty, hard to believe, but you start growing muscles and the muscles you already have get BIGGER and you get really tall (known as Growth Spurt). So most girls like when guys go through puberty because they, ahem, look sexier. It is nice having bigger muscles. This is the part of puberty I enjoy. Your upper body (mainly chest) get bigger and you look more muscular.

Don't think boy puberty is all fun. There are some BAD parts about it. First of all, your...penis....gets bigger and it gets in the way. This is bad because that means bigger and longer (both size and time) erections. It gets so big sometimes it gets in the way.

Another BAD part is that you grow pubic hair on of your...ahem, penis. Pubic hair also builds up on your....testicles, and let me tell you, it is ANNOYING! You also grow hair all over your body (mostly armpits and legs) and that is also annoying.

Another POSSIBLE side affect of guy puberty is acne. That makes you look ugly.

Here are some, well, what I think are GOOD side effects. Numbero uno, you start REALLY liking girls. Like all over it. And that reassures you that you are not the g-word.

Lastly, your voice gets deeper. I like it because my voice has always been on the high side.

hope this answers your question!


Ok, I know about every single thing that anyone's said. BUT i have absoulutely no Idea where i heard it. i'm scared now.....awkward.........

We should really get this topic closed now. We covered almost every topic about boy puberty. But, whatever, I can keep going.
Nah, because others may still want to discuss.

Yes im a guy, and yes I'm puberty :) ..

My middle name is puberty HAHA.

Yeah I just had Sex ed. so I am an expert with puberty.
And when you say I'm puberty and your middle name is puberty, does that mean your an expert on puberty?

I'm confused.

In your working out topic that you made you said your 11. You take Sex ed when you're 11???

I saw a regular girls puberty video at 11, not sex ed. o_O

In your working out topic that you made you said your 11. You take Sex ed when you're 11???I saw a regular girls puberty video at 11, not sex ed. o_O
yeah. the school tells us about it and we get to watch "the video".

I had to take a bunch of quizzes and tests on it.

I feel so discusting. Last night I had a "wet dream" and I was all covered in semon and I was all sticky and wet. I had to change my clothes. I wasn't thinking about having "it" with someone but my dad said its natural and it is supposed to happen. I am soooooooooo tired now because that happened at like 4 in the morning and then I couldn't sleep after that.

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