Boy Puberty?


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I know!!!It's only a part of growing up!!!I think I can handle this Topic!

But I do know what shes talking about!I got a book and was reading and didn't reallize they had a s** page and I read it and I saw what u do!Anmd it's nasty!Well get the 1001 fact about the human body and go to 96,97,98 and 99,100 and then go to 110

I know!!!It's only a part of growing up!!!I think I can handle this Topic!
But I do know what shes talking about!I got a book and was reading and didn't reallize they had a s** page and I read it and I saw what u do!Anmd it's nasty!Well get the 1001 fact about the human body and go to 96,97,98 and 99,100 and then go to 110
Lets hope so...

It's really not that discusting as you get older and have matured.

I'm pretty sure it's a marturity thing.

I know it was for me. I'm not saying just go talk about it all the time, yes that's gross, but trust me, you will be glad you know it for future reference.

You also grow acne when you go through puberty maybe because of stress.

It's so weird how guys get deeper voices during puberty.

Ok. 6th grade. Guys= squeaky voice.


Ok. Back to school. 7th grade. Guys= deeeeep voice.

I KNOW! Ah! It was crazy!

That's how it happened to people- guys rather- at my school.

I KNOW! Ah! It was crazy!That's how it happened to people- guys rather- at my school.
At my High School (at college now) it was mainly girls because they all wore so much make-up (foundation) it just gave them all alot of spots. I never wore it for that reason and I don't really like wearing alot of make-up.

For me those 'talks' a very awkard. :/

When I was younger I had a hard time about the tought of growing up so I would get so sad...

I don't exactly know why- 'cronosaphobe!' XD

Actualy, neither my mom nor my dad gave me the sex talk.

I just pick up info from entering middle school. :/

Seriously, that's where I heard about EVERYTHING- except for the girls puberty. I knew about that in elemtentry.

oh my god!So I will be learning about it in 5th grade?
Well, for me it was 6th grade.

Probably more in 7th and 8th.

Riding on a bus with a bunch of... erm teenage guys can get quite interesting- wheather you like it or not. :/

It wasn't so much straight out 'this is how you do it', but just little things like 'I'm happy at Hooters'. That sort of thing. It's usualy in code words- like they'll be talking about things that seem like normal everyday words- just twisted.

Sadly you get used to it.

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why does sperm come out when you're 12 why not somewhere in the 20

in 10 and it never came out

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When sperm come out does it hurt,how does it come out,PM me to tell me more

The sperm comes out depending on the boy's genetics (Meaning, say a boy's dad had their sperm come out for the first time when they were 12. The boy will most likely have his sperm come out for the first time at 12, too.), and other more complicated things. It can be random, just like a girl getting her period. My friend's grandmother got her period when she was 9, and then the friend's MOM got it when she was 12! So don't always expect to "get it" (whether it's your period or semen for the first time) at the same age that your mom/dad got it. I don't think it hurts... But I wouldn't know, I'm a girl!


JaVaCaVa11: That's called an erection. I don't know EXACTLY what happens, something with bloodflow and whatnot, but it usually happens when you think about *it*, or a girl that you may like a lot. It's normal, so don't worry too much about it.

.::Cutie::. : No, but the symptoms may feel as if you are sick. Growing pains, (if you're a girl) cramps, bloating, fatigue (tiredness), etc. The symptoms for PMSing are worse than actually GETTING your period! Getting your period doesn't hurt... I think it's kinda like peeing. A lot of girls don't notice they get it until they look at their panties when they go to the bathroom... I'm not saying everyone looks at their panties... xD I don't know what a boy feels, seeing that I am a girl. Hopefully a boy who has experienced this will explain it further!



(Find your skin type)

Skin Types:

1.Normal: Your cheeks can get a bit dry and your T-zone can get oily. (and break out).

2.Dry: Your skin feels tight after washing. Your pores are barely noticable.

3.Oily: Your face is shiny three hours after cleansing. You break out about twice a month; pores are visible.

4.Acne: You break out at least three times a month, and zits appear in clusters.

(These are the steps for keeping your skin type healthy)


1. Cleanse: Wash twice a day with the right mild cleanser. Rinse well with cold water to help tighten your pores.

2. Tone: Use the right toner after washing-it will dissolve any pore-clogging makeup or cleanser left on your skin

3. Treat: Use the right scrub or mask twice a week after cleansing- store it in a fridge for a cool, soothing effect.

4. Moisturize: Use the right nongreasy lotion daily on damp skin for better absorption.

(Use same routine) (Remember, use the right products for your skin type!)

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why does your penis stand up sometimes
i think its called an erection. its when a penis hardens, then lengthens.

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Lets hope so...
It's really not that discusting as you get older and have matured.

I'm pretty sure it's a marturity thing.

I know it was for me. I'm not saying just go talk about it all the time, yes that's gross, but trust me, you will  be glad you know it for future reference.
Talking about sex was never really awkward for me o.o' I've always been comfortable with the thought, even when I was really young.

My mom and I don't talk about our sex lives though. She already gave me a scarring mental image when I was about 13 x.x' *shudders*


Here's a site that'll answer your questions about sperm. It also answers a lot of other questions about male puberty.

Teen Puberty - Male Puberty :: Ejaculation

Also, it doesn't hurt when it comes out. If it did, men wouldn't do anything sexual xP

When the penis gets hard it's called an erection. It can happen at any time and anywhere. All it is is blood flowing into the penis to make it hard. It's most commonly from being sexually aroused, but it can also happen at random when nothing sexual is going through the mind or being seen.


The yellow/white liquid is called discharge. It's usually an indication of around the time of getting your period. It can be quite a few colors from clear to greenish yellow, to brown and it can sometimes smell somewhat bad. It just means your body is maturing. Even after having your period you can still get discharge. I've had my period since I was 9 and I still get it from time to time. It's completely normal.

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Well, I don't mean to offend, but if you think this topic is gross, just wait until it actually happens to you!

Anyways... We had sex ed at my old school. We mostly talked about the anatomy of the uterus (fallopian tubes, etc.), what happens when you get your period, how everyone is different, and sexual diseases. Thankfully everyone was mature enough to talk about it without cracking up xD But it's completely normal, and it happens to virtually every single person in the world. Unless they die before it happens... x__X


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