Toys: Bratz. Barbies. Practically any type of pin-thin doll with makeup and over their face gives out a bad message. I know some people love Bratz and barbies ect. but please don't go posting, "No way! Your dumb. They don't give out a wrong message.

" because I don't wanna hear it.
You pick up your favourite Bratz doll. You look at her, and brush her hair. "I wish I could look like her! She's so pretty and skinny." you whisper to yourself. Presently, your parents start to notice something different about you. You don't finish your meals, barely eat any of your lunch, and you refuse to eat large portions of food.....not to mention your wearing tons of makeup all the time and tight clothes.
Those are the must commen side effects of Bratz and other dolls. You want to be just like them, don't you? Well, I sure wouldn't. I much rather be myself.
These dolls make girls think they need to lose weight, and that their supposed to look like these dolls. They think wearing makeup and skimpy clothing will make them look 'hot'. NOT. This is a lie. Ok, so maybe you'll look more perked up and you'll stand-out slightly more; but who cares? Your beautiful the way you are!
Oh, and just a side note: Do you ever see a fat Bratz doll or merely any doll? No. And if you do, thats VERY rare. Give yourself a pat on the back. I almost forgot......I dispise Bratz babies. I mean, come on! Thy're babies and they're wearing eye shadow and makeup! >_<'
Advertisments: "Do this diet! Lose 40 pounds!" "New Dove shampoo. *shows a beautiful model with curly, flowing hair*" "Use our shampoo and look like this! You'll have the perfect hair and perfect body. Could it get any better?" Oh please. I wanna rip advertisments like this. First of all: Don't do diets. The only dieting you should do, is simply eating well and being active. Hey, thats my new slogan: Don't do diets. Second of all, advertisments usually ALWAYS use beautiful, thin models. Would people really buy their product if they use average sized people? Uh uh. Thats what they think, anyhow. Third of all, when you see an ad saying, "Use are ******! You'll have a perfect body/hair!!" don't bother believing it. It's not true. There isn't such thing as a perfect body, and they are simply giving out a message saying that you aren't already perfect the way you are. How low can you go?
Magizines: I'm not going to bother to give you examples on this one. It's quite clear that magizines give out all the wrong messages. First off: You never see and average sized people in a magizine. Nope. They all gotta be like, 90 pounds. *sigh* I don't understand it. I never will. Magizines are one of the worst things to get people to think their fat.