Bloody Mary


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Of course, it can't possibly compare with La Llorona. But I'm not explaining that one. I'm getting nauseous just thinking about her.
Now I'm never going outside after dark ever again :F

That thing scared me. I googled it too. xDD. Never ever ever google that, people. I'm forever paranoid now, haha.

I don't really Believe in Bloody Mary.

But that is My Grandma's Name. Mary, So Once in a while People will Jokingly call her Bloody Mary.

I used to believe in things like that. But now I could really care less. xD

I googled La Llorana too (pretty freaky images) and was reading some of the stories or legends about her and then my cat walked in the room and I thought it was La Llorona so it scared the crap out of me!

My friends wanted to do that in a church bathroom :/

It would'nt even work in church.

And the thing with Bloody Mary is even though the people look in the mirror, theyscream and run for the things they may see even though they don't. It's all in their heads. C:

I've never done Bloody Mary, but I've done Blarry Mary.

It's this freaky thing that messes with your hands. If the person doing it to you does it correctly and you follow instructions correctly, you can feel your arms go completely weightless and start rising by themselves.

You even visualize Bloody Mary coming at you with a knife. The higher your arms go, the closer she gets to you.

I swear it works.

If anybody wants to know how to do it, ask me. xD

After hearing about Bloody Mary a few years ago, I had been afraid to use the bathroom. Not anymore.

My uncle said that you had to flush the toilet 3 times and then Bloody Mary 3 times or something like that. I don't remember.

EDIT: I just searched La Llorona and instantly freaked out, because it shows the 4 top image search results at the top of the page. :blink:

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Yesterday I woke up to go to the toilet at night --- I instantly got freaked out and wouldn't even glance in the mirror cause I was so afraid. I then ran as fast as I could back to my room, didn't bother to shut the door and then hid under the blanket while shaking.

That's what these things do to you, people.

I suggest to never even think about Bloody Mary if you're easily scared.

My sister got an e-mail that said Bloody Mary would kill her if she didn't send it. She thought it was true and sent it. That's how scared she was.

I searched La Llorona on Google Images then closed it straight away because the pictures looked so super scary.

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There was a whole rage about Bloody Mary at my school about a year ago at my school. Everyone was making rumors about her like she was going to come to our school and kill the principal or something. It was so junk! Okay I have to admit I did get a bit scared. Everyone was going to the bathrooms and doing it making fake scratches on there faces saying 'Bloody Mary scratched me! She nearly dragged me into the mirror!' Even my friend attempted to do it once. There's this thing like you have to spin around 13 times and call her name. Well when my friend came out of the bathroom (after she had done it) she looked so pale, like she was gonna be sick. Later in the day when we were in class she couldn't do her work she has so much pain. When she went to tell the teacher if she could go to fist aid she fainted. It was so scary to see! She just fell!

It says that even if you don't see Bloody Mary in the mirror strange things will still happen to you. And I didn't get this from the crazy rumors. I got it from a book.

I've never done Bloody Mary, but I've done Blarry Mary. It's this freaky thing that messes with your hands. If the person doing it to you does it correctly and you follow instructions correctly, you can feel your arms go completely weightless and start rising by themselves.

You even visualize Bloody Mary coming at you with a knife. The higher your arms go, the closer she gets to you.

I swear it works.

If anybody wants to know how to do it, ask me. xD
I've done that before. But we don't call it Blarry Mary. It feels like your arms are floating up like they have balloons attached to them. And even when you try to put them down they rise up again. You can't stop.

La Llorona is not real <.< i live by the rio grande, although ive heard audio tapes of her. That legend is uber famous here in El Paso, but fake. lol

Tried bloody mary thousands of times, nothing happened.

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