Blood type?


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I just got a random thought --- I was reading about the "Blood type personalities" on wikipedia.
Now, I know nothing about that particular subject, but it got me curious about what everyone's blood type is.

I just so happen to be O positive.

(Also, if anyone knows anything about blood type personalities, no-one is stopping you from posting. . . please D:)

Post away~ Pour into this topic like rain >:3
This is so weird, I thought of posting a topic about this. I swear.

It's like you read my mind. o.o

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A+. I'm the only one in my family besides my parents whose been tested. *hooray* I feel special.

Edit: I looked online, I was curious:

Japanese Blood Type Personality Chart

Type A

Best Traits: Earnest, creative, sensible.

Worst Traits: Fastidious, overearnest.

Type B

Best Traits: Wild, a doer, cheerful.

Worst Traits: Selfish, irresponsible.

Type AB

Best Traits: Cool, controlled, rational.

Worst Traits: Critical, indecisive.

Type O

Best Traits: Agreeable, sociable, an optimist

Worst Traits: Vain, careless.

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I'm O-Negative, which is only 7% of the population or somewhere around that in Canada. Same is my mom.
We also thought my older sister was O-Negative but it turned out she was A Negative or something (can't recall completely) when she decided to give blood and find out.

BTW finding out one's bloodtype isn't too hard, when you're old enough to give blood to get some bloodwork done, ask to find out. Chances are you either got your mother's blood type, father's or a combination of in my sister's case it seems like a mixture of both types as one o_O;;
Really? Thanks! :(

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[SIZE=7pt]I'm type X.[/SIZE]
Yes, I'm a rare species of alien, my blood type was just discovered, it is actually an interesting shade of green.

Just kidding xP I have no blood. [ ;

Actually, I really have no idea, for all i know, either of the above could be true o_O
Lolz :D

I'm positive of being an O positive :(

I don't know. My parents don't know either. Sucks.

One day I will find out.

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