Blogagotchi system down


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A happy note for me to post... Blogagotchi is back open again. The people made a mess of it but it has been cleaned up. *whew* :)

PLEASE NOTE - if you can't access the site it is because it is being worked on. Please check back! still doesn't like me...LOL, not letting me on yet.

Gawd, I've been wondering, what the heck is going on with blgoagotchi? LOL!!

Ya I'm sorry... I ended up speaking too soon! :D

Soon after posting this I discovered a problem with the upgrade and have been struggling to figure a workaround. I think I have it but its late and I'm waiting to try after some sleep. :)

Sorry... I promise its coming soon though.

Ya I'm sorry... I ended up speaking too soon! :D
Soon after posting this I discovered a problem with the upgrade and have been struggling to figure a workaround. I think I have it but its late and I'm waiting to try after some sleep. :)

Sorry... I promise its coming soon though.
Thats great of you admin! Your working so hard I dont know how you do it! Well done.

Good luck, :D


OK I hope I'm not jinxing it... But Blogagotchi is back online now... :)

There is still some work ahead to get it back the way I want it but at least everyone can access their stuff again and open new accounts.

Oh dear, I'm sorry to hear that. :furawatchi: Change the passwords and everything so there's less chance of it being hacked into again.

Take your time to sort things out - I'm sure none of us tamatalkers will mind. :gozarutchi:

Good luck with fixing it! :)

-sk8er girl-
Me too. I was just thinking of getting a blogatchi

OK I hope I'm not jinxing it... But Blogagotchi is back online now... :)
There is still some work ahead to get it back the way I want it but at least everyone can access their stuff again and open new accounts.
Wow that must have been a bit Trouble causing. Aww thank you anyway admin! :p


Ya I'm sorry... I ended up speaking too soon! :wacko:
Soon after posting this I discovered a problem with the upgrade and have been struggling to figure a workaround. I think I have it but its late and I'm waiting to try after some sleep. :p

Sorry... I promise its coming soon though.
Admin had jinxing powers?! X3 Lol, joke- thanks for the update! :)

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