I saw it yesterday I think on ebay too, I was wondering the same, it seems legit but I have never heard about blank tamagotchi's... seems like a cool concept though.
he could have just bught a white V5 and made the paint rub off though
I hope someone gets it and tell us how it is, the shipping makes it too expensive for myself xD
Good idea about the paint rubbing off, but I think that would be impossible -
What I've found when I've been meddling/customizing my tamagotchis is that
the plastic is actually coloured. There's a base colour of the plastic, and then you have all those transfers added onto the plastic, and some extra paint if needed. That's what struck me about the pure-white familitchi. I don't think I've ever seen a V5 covered head-to-toe in white plastic. The roof of the antenna at least would be a different colour...
So yes. If it is a prototype, I wonder if the user would find any glitches or something... *rubs hands together in excitement*
@GotchiGuardian: yes!! I'm italian!
I can help you with the language if you want
If I can ask: what tama are you painting? Did you have to take the pieces apart before? I'd like to paint my TF with transparent paint so the original design doesn't wear off, but I'm afraid to break it
@Myiko: exactly, I'm just hoping it isn't simply a super-used tama... The price is good, but the expedition... come on!!! If only one could choose the expedition methods! However if I'm lucky tomorrow I'll buy a familitchi: I found a shop in my town that still sells them! Wish me good luck
!! *crossing my fingers*
That would be awesome! I think I'll take you up on the offer
As for the tama-painting - yes, I did have to take apart the tamagotchi. If you unscrew the circuit board until you get to the screen, the top part of the shell should come away.
I say that, but the tama I'm working on doesn't have a keyring, so I was able to prise away the front pretty easily.
You have to be careful about taking apart tamas though. If you break the sound wires or screen rubber or something, as unfortunate as it sounds, TamaTalk cannot be held responsible!!
I only took apart my tamagotchi because I didn't want the screen/IR cover/buttons to get covered in paint, but you know - I am a perfectionist after all XD
I'm painting a V4, my very oldest in my collection... Wish me luck!