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Well-known member
Oct 20, 2006
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Brisbane, Australia
On Tuesday we had a blackout before I had to go to school and we couldn't get the garage open (It's electric) because we didn't know how to work it manually. Anyway, I got school at about 9:00 Am and my teacher asked why I was late... He said "Caitlin, why are you late? Have you been smoking and taking drugs again?" I replied "No, We had a blackout and the garage wouldn't open..."

And he came up with this "The killer garage. Caitlin was a normal school girl with lots of friends and enjoyed her work until... One day her garage wouldn't open... She would never be the same again."

Lolz. My teacher is so funny!

Discuss: Funny teachers and blackouts.



Haha, your teacher sounds nice. =]

In music class we were playing guitar and these boys were talking. My teacher mimed hitting them over the head with her guitar.

It was funny!

Yeah, she's also my homeroom teacher. She gives us Tim-tams (Double choc), Rose Chocolates and Jelly beans.

The other classes are jealous, they all want her.

She's awsome at music.

=] =] =] =] =]

Well, this one time when I was in 3rd grade, there's was a blackout at lunch and everyone like SCREAMED except for me, and I was just looking around like What the heck? then this boy in my class was like "WHAT THE H***" yeah... third grade...

In Junior High I still remember my Wood Shop teacher (looong time ago). When he was explaining to us how to use the saw, he was like, 'Don't go crazy w/ it or.. *swipes finger through neck*' and people started laughing out loud.

Our school had a poweroutage. We have a big portable electricity generator in front of our school now, so we can't walk in front of the school, and have to take different routes to all our classes. I have a lot of funny teachers. They make fun of and tease their students all the time.

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one time, someone lost their pencil, and he asked the teacher to borrow one, but the teacher was afraid hed lose it, and he tied string to it, and then tied a teddy bear to the other end of the string!

My math teacher said to this kid with a haircut: "Kevin! Is that a new haircut? HANDSOME WOO WOO! " all of the students couldn't help but crack up! And Kevin was blushing and laughing at the same time.

My grade three was the most hilarious teacher ever!

When he was supervising us at recess, he would take a student and try putting them in the garbage or in a basketball hoop and whenever it said "Mr McCullough will supervise this recess..." everyone would scream and cheer! XD

My current teacher is pretty funny.

Yesterday, kerrybridget had to leave earlier to go to her eye doctor to get contacts and she said "I'm leaving at 2:45 today, Mr Boyechko!" And he's just like, "Good!"

My grade one teacher:

She used to give people nicknames which she thought suited them. Adam and Danisha were Mr and Mrs Nosy because they were always touching stuff that was on her desk or whatever. She called me Twinkletoes cause I loved dancing a long time ago.

Oh gawd, i can tell a million stories my teacher Mr.Mena says but I just can't remember them^^"

He comes out with good comebacks.

Blackouts + glow in dark shirts + lunch = Complete fun.

Try that on for size.

Once, in August my whole city had a huge two day blackout. Now we have a blackout day on the day it happened, to conserve energy or something.

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