Black Friday Walmart death


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That's like... Dumb. You risk somebody else's life for a LCD or Plasma screen TV thats 20% off.
My dad told me that there was a shooting at Toys r Us. ._____.
There was.

I am now scared.

Cecib :D

My mom told me about this

A man doing his job dies from people crushing him to get $20 off a Tv. Sick.

Evrey person who seped on him or ignored his ingeries should be ashamed of themselfs

There was.I am now scared.

Cecib :gozarutchi:
You have to SHOOT somebody, for a stupid TOY your kid might not even like? You kill or injure somebody, for a stupid toy? >_>

That's horrible.

Thats horrible!D=

About Walmart, and Toys 'r Us!?D=

I cant believe how greedy people are, so greedy, they take someones innocent life and injurs a pregnant lady, for a retarded sale!!?D=<


This happened in Long Island, NY I believe.
Where in Long Island?

Oh, and now I feel good for only going to the pet store that day. Don't people know that greed is the seed of EVIL? If I was one of them, I would at least try to save the poor guy. Stupid, evil, greedy people. D:

Lord have mercy...

That is just plain SICK. They KILL a worker just for a retarted sale? A dumb sale? And the lady. She was PREGNANT for God's sake. I'm sure the baby will have some kind of a problem when it's born.

Oops. Sorry.

I got a little carried away.

The nerve of some people. The POLICE OFFICER got trampled too. He was trying to save the man's life! And those retarted idiots kept shopping! God.

No wonder that day was called "Black Friday".

My dad told me that there was a shooting at Toys r Us. ._____.
I heard about that, but I didn't hear about this. It's awful. :( It's also getting ridiculous, and I am left wondering what this world is coming to. Those poor people. :( :( :) :angry: :( :(

Tama :ph34r: Phantom

You have to SHOOT somebody, for a stupid TOY your kid might not even like? You kill or injure somebody, for a stupid toy? >_>

That's horrible.
It wasn't over a toy.

It was two women arguing. Police may have thought it was gang releated.

That's just plain silly.

Injuring and Killing over a Sale? How silly.

They don't care if someone get's trampled and killed. They don't care they injure a Pregnant Woman!!

Uhg, What's the world coming to?

That's horrible that someone had to be trampled to death over a stupid sale.

Maybe people should start worrying about what the holidays are really about, instead of worrying about materialistic things.

people are ridulous nowadays.

it's like they don't even care!

i hear that when they all got thrown out of the store, they got upset.

well, i say these people are pure morons.

It scared the crap out of me, since I had to go to Walmart with my dad the next day. <<


I know I heard of that on the radio!! What is wrong with those people, THAT serious about shopping??? So much that they kill a person and not care? I mean, I love shopping, but if someone was being KILLED I wouldn't ignore it, even on Black Friday!!

Oh wow. What a horrible way to die.

All the more reason to start shopping online. Not only can you find items that aren't in stores, but you don't have as large a risk of getting shot or run over while shopping!

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