Mijumaruuuuu!!! 8D So cute! And plus, water is my favorite type, so it's usually my starter pick. I also chose totodile in soulsilver and piplup in diamond. However in firered I chose bulbasaur.... because he's just awesome like that.
Migumaru or however you spell it i always choose water types allways gold/silver todadile, red/blue squirtle, ruby/sapphire/emerald mudkip, diamond/pearl/platinum piplup, heartgold/soulsilver todadile (again) and now black/white migumaru
i always go for grass! in red/blue it gets the first two gym leaders easy, in gold/silver/crystal it pretty much sucks,in ruby/saphire/emrald treeko gets the first one easy in diamon/pearl/platinum it gets roark and is equal with eterna city so its a good one to start of with
Tsutaja the grass lizard. I think its evolutions r awesum. dimond starter- chimchar(now lvl 88 and an infernape) soulsilver starter-totodile(now a lvl 55 feraligator). firered starter- bulbasuar as soon as i ger my broken cartridge fixed. ruby starter- probalby will be treecko(i love grovle but sceptiles ulgly )! also on pkmn mystery dungeon:blue rescuce team im a totodile with a pikachu partner amd on mystery dungeon explorers of time im a squrtle with a treecko partner.
I was oridginally going to get Pokabu, but since my little bro litirally fell in love with it, I decided to get Mijumaru, who dispite the fact my little bro dosen't like him, is adorable!!!