Best Gift Ever?


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Well-known member
Aug 30, 2012
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So! Boyfriend of mine stayed with me for the weekend. Upon his arrival, he gave me a Japanese Tamagotchi Umino!! I was super excited - it's the purple/pink one (my favourite so I can keep it in my pocket and not scratch any paint ;) ).

When I looked at it more carefully, I noticed it was already on the "set time" screen. Took it out, and yep, it was already running! I was kind of worried that maybe the batteries would be dead as it's been on for a while, but he assured me he paused it.

So, I set the time and see this guy (links cause I'm lazy and don't want to resize photos for the forum post, heh):

ADSFASDFASDFSAGFsd. The hardest, and most adorable character you can get! He said he had been taking it to work with him and everything in order to get this character for me. Um, is this even happening? Best character on his first try with a Tamagotchi AND it being a Umino? I think he's a god of some sorts.

I've been playing with him a bit. I got him when he was 6 or 7, and he's currently 9 with a full discipline bar. I'm excited for him to pass, but will continue to try my best to keep him around. I highly doubt I'll get a character that good on my first try, haha!

Woah, that's amazing... The best care adults are hard to get on Vintages. My first ever character was Tensaitchi, and he's pretty hard to get, and I didn't even KNOW how to get him. XD

Have fun with your new Umino!

well at least you know he would be good with kids XD LOL

I've never gotten that character, but really that's amazing and devoted! I try to get my hubby to play a tama occasionally, but he never takes them with him anywhere :< He makes me take care of them when he's at work, even at a part time job where he does absolutely nothing the whole time....

Grats on your tama! :D


awwwwww how sweet! lucky you : D

i love the colors on that tama!

Oh, he definitely got a thank you! :)

...he also was suckered into buying himself a Morino because he enjoyed the Umino so much (minus the needing attention every 5 minutes). I let him use one of my spare Angelgotch and the input lag was just too much, and it's way too "easy."

Yay, I think I've got another recruit! :D

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