YAY!!!! my v4.5 adalt left the baby girl!!! i named her cali! cali is a tot now! oh yea i forgot to mention im bidding on 6 tamas!! im giveing 3 to my little brother! i'll post more later!
YAY! my v5 used the dateing chanal and had 3 eggs! their still babys! i'll post more when my v5 evolves! oh yea only 3 more hours till the bidding on the tamas are done!
YAY! my v3 left the baby! i nemed the baby boy matt! matt is the mokalk toler! and i might get my tamagotchi ooridgnal tomorow!! oh yea my v3 is on its 10th gen!!! i'll post more later!
well i think i forgot to post this but my v5 is the 0-30 bondege cheerfull family! i tryed to do it! well the pink gost one used the dateing chanal with a sunnytchi!!! they just got aried and the egg will hatch soon! ITS HATCHING!!!!!! i'll post more later!!!!!