I just noticed something, page 27 starts in 2010, and now it's nearly 2013! o__O
Well anyway, I am back again (I wonder how many times you've heard me say that in the last few pages...)
Anyway I am seriously determened to stick around for a long time this time around! What makes this time around any different you might ask? Well, not only is it almost christmas, which is one of my favorate times to run tamas, but I also have a 11 day break, not to mention a near gerenteed snow day tomorow!
Besides that, I just have a feeling that this time will actually be different. It does also help that I just got some vintage batteries yesterday, and I should be able to get the stripped screws out of my P2 and Angel with the help of a jewler soon!
Anyway, time to talk tama! I am currently running my P2, my first V3, and my green V4.5.
P2 is in it's teenage stage, with 3/4 disiplen bars, and is soon to be an adult!
V3 it a happy, but rather overwhight teen named Lute. Poor Lute, she really needs to try weight watchers!
V4.5 is a little totiler named Jade. Not to much to note about her yet.
I am also taking part in the christmas hatch with my Morino, so the little bugger will soon be seeing fame on the blog as well.
Well, that's all for now!
Well anyway, I am back again (I wonder how many times you've heard me say that in the last few pages...)
Anyway I am seriously determened to stick around for a long time this time around! What makes this time around any different you might ask? Well, not only is it almost christmas, which is one of my favorate times to run tamas, but I also have a 11 day break, not to mention a near gerenteed snow day tomorow!
Anyway, time to talk tama! I am currently running my P2, my first V3, and my green V4.5.
P2 is in it's teenage stage, with 3/4 disiplen bars, and is soon to be an adult!
V3 it a happy, but rather overwhight teen named Lute. Poor Lute, she really needs to try weight watchers!
V4.5 is a little totiler named Jade. Not to much to note about her yet.
I am also taking part in the christmas hatch with my Morino, so the little bugger will soon be seeing fame on the blog as well.
Well, that's all for now!