Bella Luna - A Tamagotchi Blog


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YAY!!!!! my 5.5 had babies!!!!!! i maried a girl verson of mametchi to a prince tamico!!!!!! now i have 2 patchi babies and 1 meme baby!!!! oh their sick!!!!! i'll give you some medison!!! thats bvetter!!!!! i'll post more later!!!

sorry i haven't been on tamatalk for a week or so. this week of school has been very hard on me. ^_^ but im now playing with my v3 and a few others!!! :D :D i've been on club penguin and playing pokemon pearl also latly!!! but im back to tamas now!!!! also my club penguin names are pokepenquin and puffle754!!! come up to me and say tama or tamatalk and i'll add you to my buddy list imedently!!! :D :D :p :p my v3 is a baby and is naping!!! :D :eek: but i'll be on tamatalk alot more now!!! :D :p :D i'll post more later!!!

well like last week shhool is takeing its tole on me!!! :( :( ;) ;) but now i'll try more than ever to be on tt more!!! :D :D :D also if anyone could send me pm info about japenses tamas?????? id realy apreseate it!!! :D i'll post more later!!!!
