Being a new person


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My First Post Ever

My post is the 3rd one down on the page.

Well, there it is, my very first post. Look at the date...that seems SO long ago!

And...can you believe that is what I posted about?! :mametchi: Good times. :ichigotchi:

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Just a few moments ago I was sifting through all my old posts... realizing how much of a JERK I was, such a nuisance sometimes. It made me think that at one point, most of us were like this... whether it was intentional or not. I realize how much I've matured, considering these old, old posts were only made a little over a year ago... still quite embarrassing to look back at all the silly stuff I said. :lol:
So how about you? Do you look at your old posts?

I read all those OLD posts...

Something to keep you entertained o.o!

It's kinda embarassing realising how dumb my posts were those days... it's been 1 and a half years.... lol! I never spoke in chatspeak or anything, I wasn't too bad.

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Oh I do that all the time. I admit I've acted like a jerk a few times here myself. All though I read over some of my posts and thought, "Wow that was so deep, did I type that?!" I was 18 when I first arived here and I can see how I've changed. Heres something a bit spamish :lol: :Warnings

Edit:I looked a little deeper and found my first Topic, becides my intro topic. Why did I waste the sites Memory to post this topic?

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Just a few moments ago I was sifting through all my old posts... realizing how much of a JERK I was, such a nuisance sometimes. It made me think that at one point, most of us were like this... whether it was intentional or not. I realize how much I've matured, considering these old, old posts were only made a little over a year ago... still quite embarrassing to look back at all the silly stuff I said. :lol:
So how about you? Do you look at your old posts?
Yeah, same here really.

I'd Post lots of emotions in one post and post things in the wrong forums, now I am fully aware of what to do in TT!


So how about you? Do you look at your old posts?
No. But I looked through yours. :huh:

It's actually very funny, you are now a mature and sensible member, but back then.. You were just a Smilie Posting Member. LOL! I guess we all go through changes, unlike me. My post are pretty much the same, a bit less immature, but more or less the same.


No. But I looked through yours. :) It's actually very funny, you are now a mature and sensible member, but back then.. You were just a Smilie Posting Member. LOL! I guess we all go through changes, unlike me. My post are pretty much the same, a bit less immature, but more or less the same.

Well now atleast I feel important :D

i no i used to b alot lyk dis and i rlly dunno y... it wuz lyk in feb that i changed :huh: :) :huh: :huh: ;)

Well now atleast I feel important :)
i no i used to b alot lyk dis and i rlly dunno y... it wuz lyk in feb that i changed :huh: :) :huh: :huh: ;)
I think my left eye just started bleeding xP

I don't think I ever typed like that here. In my old Livejournal I used to never use punctuation or anything, and I always spelt 'my' as 'mai'.

I look back on it now and laugh.

Well now atleast I feel important :D
i no i used to b alot lyk dis and i rlly dunno y... it wuz lyk in feb that i changed :D :) :) :huh: :wacko:

My posts were like this: Hey! im kelly clarkson8! i ned hep wis nis quetsoim! im ceel and i am a tamagotchi masher. i am smrt!! :mellow: :) :huh: :huh: ;) Nee! xD!

I tend to only have a look when someone makes one of these reflective threads. I was 19 when I joined so I can't say that I've really changed much other than to have gone through a bit of an agro stage and learned a lot more about tamas. :)

My first intro thread was called Enough Tarakotchis! which funnily enough got bumped and then closed. :D

I sometimes go through a topic that I've already posted In and It seems like I have been an idiot to some people (keeping In mind I lost my password to my old account, *Summer*)

So yeah... I annoy myself going back and thinking how stupid I have been.

Well I only joined in September '06 so not much time has gone past.

I've got more mature... (I think)

Just a few moments ago I was sifting through all my old posts... realizing how much of a JERK I was, such a nuisance sometimes. It made me think that at one point, most of us were like this... whether it was intentional or not. I realize how much I've matured, considering these old, old posts were only made a little over a year ago... still quite embarrassing to look back at all the silly stuff I said. :mimitchi:
So how about you? Do you look at your old posts?
yup i shore do

As I said before, I was such a n00b. I made a topic with my old account asking why the couch in Tama Town was talking xD Following that, I used to say in people's departures, "AWW! Your leaving? Did your parents say, "No more Tamatalk!"? I don't think you knew me but still, goodbye." And once I made a really stupid poem that was supposed to be sad, but when I read it now I laugh. On top of all that, I simply used to defend tamagotchis. If a person said, "I got that stupid bad character again!" I'd be like, "It's not IT'S fault! Try using different methods! If you want a good character, then treat it BETTER. Don't blame it on your tama."

Oh, and I'll never forget that hidious, spammish topic that was closed almost imeddiatly xP: Hahahaha.....


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Yes, I have. My old username was tama12, but the only reason I got this one was because I forgot my password to that one and I couldn't get it by e-mail because I forgot the password to that too. But I also find it amusing to look through my old diary entries. I feel so little. I was reading one once about when my parents were first getting divorced... I was soo little and weird!! I also spelled everything wrong!

Lol, I can't evenb find my first post. It is funny to see what some of the guides first posts were. I remember when I first joined I ended up getting into minor disagreements. I remember I got mad at a few people when they insulted one of my posts, it seems like such little kid stuff, it wasn't really that long ago. I used to think some of the people hated me. I wont mention any names. LOL, it's so weird to think back about that!

Oh, here is a good memory. My first closed topic. I made a topic, I don't even remember what it was about, but it was closed and I was so mad! I remember it had a lot of posts though.

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