It doesn't need to be closedShouldn't this be in Stuff We Watch?And there's already a topic on this movie.
Can a guide please close this?
I think another one wouldn't hurt..But there is already a topic on this movie.We don't need double topics.
The Original Dark Knight Topic
Same here.I dont really plan on seeing it. Not my type of movie
Yeah,the Joker was great,the licking the lips thing was kinda freaky xD.Two-face was realy cool,his face was disgusting,it must of took ages to do that!I just went to see it today. I thought it was great.The Joker scared me a lot, how he would like lick his lips and how creepy he was. -shudders-
Two-Face scared me too. It was like so gross how his eye was like popping out. 0.o
I thought Heath did an amazing job, and it's so sad to know that he never got to see how popular and great the movie is.
My older sister watched it without me. >Was it good kinda scary i give it a ten whatta ya say ey! <_<