Bandai UK New Tamagotchi Release!


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I know they're two different things, SailorRosette mentioned l.i.f.e being batted down and I just stated my opinion on it - Doesn't mean I don't know the difference between the two.

I know they're two different things, SailorRosette mentioned l.i.f.e being batted down and I just stated my opinion on it - Doesn't mean I don't know the difference between the two.
But you didn't quote her... it just looked like you were randomly saying that you didn't like Tamagotchi L.I.F.E, so I assumed that you were confusing them.

I really don't like the advert- I know that if my non-existent child wanted something with that advert I would be reluctant to get it for them. Its incredibly annoying and seems very very rushed, which certainly won't help the sales which have already been hurt by the high price point.

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triple post- sorry

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triple post- sorry

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But you didn't quote her... it just looked like you were randomly saying that you didn't like Tamagotchi L.I.F.E, so I assumed that you were confusing them.

I really don't like the advert- I know that if my non-existent child wanted something with that advert I would be reluctant to get it for them. Its incredibly annoying and seems very very rushed, which certainly won't help the sales which have already been hurt by the high price point.
Well I just found out how to quote.. hence your quote^.. still figuring TamaTalk out...

The Tamagotchi Friends to me just seems like the Tama-go except there is no TamaTown and it has NFC(I think?) instead of IR.. I'm a bit hesitant to purchase the product though I want to try it. Hopefully those who have already pre-ordered will give us a review soon :)

I know many are dissapointed because it is not in color. But if Tama Friends sells well maybe the next version will be a color one. It is a logical next step after all.

Alisachi, there is already quite a bit of people that have/had TF, like me, carol and few others (forgot their nicknames, but they are on tama-zone as well). If you have a question just ask one of us.

Hi! I just ordered one off eBay. It said it would arrive between 2nd of Jan and 7th of Jan. Can't wait!!!

Even better, sometimes my packeges arrive early. I watched the unboxing video and the evolution video. Looks awesome!!!

-Tamacass ;)

...Woah. That mini-games is from the Japanese Tamagotchi site! It doesn't even have the Dream Town characters...weird ._. I was hoping they'd actually make a new game instead of using the Japanese ones.

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...Woah. That mini-games is from the Japanese Tamagotchi site! It doesn't even have the Dream Town characters...weird ._. I was hoping they'd actually make a new game instead of using the Japanese ones.
Really? If bandai made the tamagotchi friends do you really excpect everything to not be a copy and completly new?

I expected games taken from bandai jap it means they dont have to make It themselves it doesnt matter becuase as if a 6-12 year old new tama fan would notice.

Some of the designs on are now 1.10 pounds cheaper, which is about $2... not much difference but maybe they'll go even cheaper. :p

I might wait until it releases next year, I'm not willing to spend $40 on it, which is half of a 15th Anniversary which is 100x better

Since they copied the mini games, It would be a let down if they just translated TamaGo Land. Oh well, I guess we will have to wait and see. :D I am really excited for this version.

- TamaTamatchi

Do you think they can be potty trained? Much like the TamaGo, as they did practically copy :p And yeah, OMG, that would suck if TamaGo Land was translated but I doubt it as you need to login and I'm sure they'd have to make a new one as kids will be like, who the heck is that character

I don't know if they could be potty trained. I never liked that feature in the TamaGo. Once the Tama is Potty trained that's one less thing you can do for them. I prefer the way older Tam as and the PS work. Potty training isn't necessary.

I doubt Dream Town isn't gonna be TamaGOLand because TamaGOLand isn't even Dream Town lol.

I hope I made sense. XD

By the way, Tamagotchi Friends stated on FaceBook that Dream Town will open in January. :)

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I doubt Dream Town isn't gonna be TamaGOLand because TamaGOLand isn't even Dream Town lol.

I hope I made sense. XD

By the way, Tamagotchi Friends stated on FaceBook that Dream Town will open in January. :)
THANKYOU FOR THE INFO, EMF!!!!!!!!!!! I always wanted to know when Dream town would open. :lol: <- "Open sesame!"

Anyway, since school ended yesterday (FOR ME :D ), It's good enough that my TF will arrive in JANUARY. :eek:


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