Bandai UK New Tamagotchi Release!


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Some incredibly cheesy pictures of what looks like a future advert from Amazon UK




Do the buttons look yellow to anybody else?

These do confirm a few things though;

Mametchi has that awful sprite we hoped was a toddler

It has a gross blurry Tama-Go screen

Piantchi, Kiraritchi and Mametchi are raisable adults

Bandai have 0% idea how to market toys.

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Ha ha, that Mametchi sprite. XD These are strange advertisements indeed. I hope that someday soon it becomes normal for boys to like "girl" toys just like it's ok for girls to like "boy" toys; maybe then we could do away with that girl-boy distinction, and things would be better off.

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Seriously though, the buttons look yellow- I hope they don't go that colour when the unit has been out in the air for a while :/

Ha ha, that Mametchi sprite. XD These are strange advertisements indeed. I hope that someday soon it becomes normal for boys to like "girl" toys just like it's ok for girls to like "boy" toys; maybe then we could do away with that girl-boy distinction, and things would be better off.
Tesco UK have dropped boy/girl branding, and UK Toys r Us is meant to be doing it soon, Smyths has already dropped it. Stuff like this is pretty important ;3;

They do look a little discolored... But they could be casting shadow over the buttons which I would guess are white. Cheesy. Give us some cheesy to the USA early and no Wisconsin cheese, I have had enough of that. XD.

That blue/white spotted, blue not iDL and maybe the white leopard even could be for boys. Some boys might even rub off the leopard or spots. Then again, some boys don't care too much.

{This makes me think of Suite Precure. In the theme it says, "For Girls...For Boys"... Etc. precure is a little girl show (aim) but does have male audiances but that is a good rule to live by. (the for girls and boys) }

Well it does look white from others' actual photos - maybe it's just some bad Photoshop work :p

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Ya maybe. Even the leopard one looks yellowed. Like old plastic... Need a better photoshopper if that is what they did. Lots of people here on TT would likely do a better job.

Don't worry, the actual thing is not yellow at all. The only thing with buttons is that they are whiter on the center, like the plastick was cracked inside or something... That's what I've seen on my one and on other's photos. It's usually on the only one button.



I'm just going to lie in a corner and die now

Don't worry, the actual thing is not yellow at all. The only thing with buttons is that they are whiter on the center, like the plastick was cracked inside or something... That's what I've seen on my one and on other's photos. It's usually on the only one button.
Oh, good to hear :)

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I have the white leopard one and it's perfectly white. So don't worry. ;)

I was drinking water but I literally spat it out when I saw those pictures. XD It's not necessarily bad in my opinion; although I wished they had like, Tamagotchi characters talking and stuff in the advertisement. At least the girls aren't 6-year-olds haha.

Oh god "face palm" it's just like the furby pictures on amazon wii them randomly carrying a furby lol I can't wait to see the commercial if this is what they call a good photo shoot to promote the toy.

Edit: also I have been reading some japanese news articles about the TF and all of them are calling it "low tech" it's so funny even Japan thinks it's stupid to release such a low tech device coated to what they have one title was "reverse low tech toy is supposed to be fresh?" Well roughly translated and it talked about how bandai think by releasing a low tech toy overseas will gain more world wide fans it's so funny

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*coughtama-gocough* I think I'll only get one if it comes to Australia but if not I'm not gonna waste my time and money on another Tama-go..... I mean on the tamagotchi friends of course... unless the dream world is super mega good but I doubt it will have anything super needed to get this to unlock items for it or anything.

I liked beings able to transfer ITEMS On tamatown money seems worthless except for buying food which isn't as fun and collecting jewellery sounds stupid especially as it has no real purse except unlock more games to buy.... You guessed it more jewellery if you could at least make your tamagotchi wear the jewellery or at least make it in colour I would be happy enough.

I guess "I shouldn't knock it till I try it" but all the videos photos and info is making me more and more disappointed by this version :( the call for attention on this version reminded me of this disappointment.

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