I play clarinet in band and it's really starting to get on my nerves.Going to lessons every week, annoying reharsels in the afternoons, practicing day by day, UGH!
I can't take it any more!! >.<
I asked my mom, "Can I quit? PLEASE?!" and she said I have to play until I GRADUATE!

Today at rehearsal my cork on one of my instrument pieces came off, and when the teacher was talking plop! It fell apart! Now I can't play until the teacher fixes it!
Just sitting there listening to all the noise made me think that I'm a geek! I just don't feel comfortable in band..
If I wasn't so stupid in 4th grade to try out for clarinet I wouldn't have had to go through this! ><
Someone, please, give me advice, I've tried everything with my parents and the answer is no!
I try my best at playing and I get good grades and all but I just all together hate it..
No offence to anyone in band, of course.