baby to adult!(in 1 day!)


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Really I have been hurt debugging a tama v5 and I have 2 so I don't really want to go through that again.

Never ever debug it sucks! whoever likes debugging AAHH!! ive debugged its HORRIBLE! and whats the fun of tamagotchis if you debug?

Ye, u shouldnmt debug a tama cuz ya gonna miss out all da fun ov it wen its a child and teen. :( and u cant go 2 tamatown either. Thts my opinion anywayz -_-

Ok people! Debugging is a feature that you do to your Tama that can give you hyperspeed (for example, one minute=one year) and you can choose any character you want to. But you have a risk of breaking your Tamagotchi forever! I suggest not doing it.

I don't like debugging. What's the fun of a Tamagotchi when you can choose what character you want and it goes really fast? It's no fun at all, and you can break it! But it's up to the Tamagotchi owners whether they want to debug or not. I choose not to.

yes i dont wannna lose my precious bakutchi itchigotchi and mamekatchi. my familichi is special. it is transparerent purple with baloon on it. my grandma had it specialy made for my birthday. only a person who hates their tama would do this. besides, if you mess with the wires, cant you get electricuted? O,o

i protest against debugging! so down with debugging! IM A TRUE TAMA LOVA!!!!!!! :)

That is a good idea, but it's too risky! Like everyone else said; debugging could break your tamagotchi toy 4ever!  :mimitchi:
i would so not debugg my tama that is cruel and stupud!!!!! :D :mimitchi:

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Yea you can do that but be careful you couldbreak you tamagotchi and could be broken FOREVER.

Yeah, Its not a good idea. I dont want to break something I spent my money on.

Yeah, Its not a good idea. I dont want to break something I spent my money on.
especially tamas!

I don't recomend debugging your tama(especially v4s,v4.5s &v5s)

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DO NOT DO IT!!!!!!! I did it to my v4 it goes from a baby to an adult in 10 min., and you get one of the bad chericter there is from neglect.

In my opinion.....debugging is stupid. It takes the whole fun and the POINT of the game. I don't se why Bandai even put it to where it's possible to debug.
