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user 102960

Active member
Jul 4, 2006
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So I got a second v4.5 the other day, and currently she(Reika) is a day younger than my boy(Gin).

I've been connecting them since Reika hatched, for fun and to get their friendship up.

I connected them today a few times since Gin changed to adult (Reika's still a teen), and noticed that when I chose "present" they went someplace together, and then Gin got a gift.

At first I thought "Oh, cool, I bet they're in love at this point" so I checked Reika's friend list and Gin's only listed as 4 smilies. I then went to Gin's and checked Reika's listing, and it shows 4 hearts.

I connected them and chose "present" again, and noticed that at the end of the trip, he leans over to her (kiss? hug?) and she turns away.

Aww, my little guy is in love and she's not old enough to notice yet. x3

I thought it was really cute.

Yes this is a common animation, on V4 and V4.5, and all tamas get closer at their own point. That is why one showed four faces, and one showed for hearts, maybe Reika didn't feel in love with Gin yet, thisb is very common!

Hope i helped, and have a super tama day!

It wasn't really a question, but the forum said it was a place to mention interesting things that happened.

Thanks, though's a Kodak moment! XD I love it when they do that. I wonder if my V2 and V3 will do that when I get them dating.

Off Topic: When I was looking at the replies, I noticed that the advertisement on this page was the love button! Ironic, huh?

poor little guy :lol: . maybey you connect with a tama her own age or if u want it to work out,sadly,you need to reset both of them. :lol:

reset them?no just wait till the others old enough. anyways. thats so CUTE! I luv it when tht happens.

Hahah, I just remember my Nonbiritchi and Makiko kissing each other.

Instead of Makiko kissing Nonbiritchi, she kissed the bird above Nonbiritchi. Hahahahahah!!!

Aw, that's touching. :D

That happened with one of my pairs, Kibee and Miles. :D

It's ever so adorable seeing tamagotchi's in love. (Well partly :D )

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