Well-known member
Hiya! Welcome to AwesomeGotchi's Awesome Log. I have around 10 tamagotchi total and thought I might start a Tamatalk log and see how long it will last. Where I am from, school holidays have just started so hopefully I can update daily! Thanks for taking the time to read.
8th July, 2014
Today I was faced with a tricky decision. With only one battery, I could run my Soda Bubbles Version 2, or my White Version 3. Not sure why I had the urge to run an older tamagotchi, maybe because I run modern ones too often.
In the end, I popped a battery into my Version 2. I was pleasantly surprised about what I saw. Anna the Masktchi! 3 years of age. Haven't seen you in a while.
Hopefully next entry will be longer.

8th July, 2014

Today I was faced with a tricky decision. With only one battery, I could run my Soda Bubbles Version 2, or my White Version 3. Not sure why I had the urge to run an older tamagotchi, maybe because I run modern ones too often.

In the end, I popped a battery into my Version 2. I was pleasantly surprised about what I saw. Anna the Masktchi! 3 years of age. Haven't seen you in a while.
Hopefully next entry will be longer.