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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2009
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I saw Avatar yesterday. It was the best movie ever :)

I loved everthing about Avatar. The love story, the end fight scene. It was definately worth the money.

So I was wondering if you guys had seen it, and what you thought about it :)

TamaMumEdit: link to official Avatar movie trailer/site added for info

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Really? It seemed violent and scary. x3 I'll probably see it. 8D We're talking about that weird movie with blue cat people, right? xDDD

I'm in for a good movie. All the movies out lately have been terrible. xP

I feel really stupid right now but does it have anything to do with that strange, cartoon/anime(?) show?

@Krystal: Yep, the Na'vi. It was a little violent, okay, very violent. It shows the worst in humans - greed, arrogance and other stuff like that. I still loved it though.

@x.Cant//Knit.x: It is worth it, you'll love it :)

@****oo1: I'm not sure. The 'Avatars' in this movie are Na'vi and human hybrids that can be controlled by a human's thoughts. I don't know much about Avatar: The Last Airbender, so I don't know x.x

It was cute.

Effects = stunning.

The story was okay. I loved the banshees. I want one. xD

Trudy was my favorite. She had the best line, in my opinions. About the gun. xD It contains bad words, so I'm not allowed to say it. xDD

I wish she hadn't exploded.


I saw Avatar around a week ago.

I'm not really in to science fiction-y action-y movies (sorry Krystal XD) .. but it was pretty good. Like the special effects were awesome, as everyone says. The plot was okayy, maybe that's because I dozed off a little at the beginning of the movie because I thought it was another preview xD, but I found it was a lot of fighting scenes, then crying scenes, than fighting scenes.. then crying scenes, yeah. But overall I thought it was a good movie and it was worth giving a try..

I love that tribal girl, the one who was helping that guy, yeah, her accent. xD And I loved it when she started moaning/crying when her father dies. Everyone else in the theatre was sad. clearly I watch too many comedies

But yeah.. I did like it.

Ooh, I'm seeing it today it looks awesome! I hope it's good. Sonds like most of you liked it, so that's good.

I saw it yesterday, loved it. I'm definitely gonna see it again.

And no, it has nothing to do with the cartoon Avatar.

I thought most of it was EPIC!!!! but some of it was a teensy bit boring.

i still love it tho!!!

in 3D is is amazing!


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I saw it the other day in 3D,

It was pretty good. But not my favourite type of movie.

I admit, I closed my eyes for pretty much all the fighting scenes.. they scared the shizzlecakes out of me. But overall I really enjoyed it :) They showed the making of it on TV while I was in New Zealand (and, it was actually filmed in NZ too.. in Wellington) and that was originally what made me want to see it.

A movie worth watching, definitely.

No offence but the movie looks veeeeeeeeeery boring
^ I agree.

IMHO, I find movies like that to be very dull. I never seen it yet, nor do I plan on it.

And yes, I do/always will judge a movie by its trailer/book by its cover.


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