Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer.


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Professor plum, in the library, with the rope, because they felt like it

Why can't anyone on here ask normal questions

Because I'm sexy and I know it.

Why did I almost forget that it's my girlfriend's birthday today even though I've had it on my calendar since two Decembers ago?

the answer to your non-question is no.

Why do people keep forgetting to ask questions?

well..... This morning I got up and was sooooo tired I fell back to sleep and then I woke up 10 minutes later and I walked in the kitchen and then sat at the table and then found a doughnut , sooooo, I ate it and it was awsome so I licked the plate and the frosting was great, sooooo I went and got dressed and then went down stairs and feed my guinea pigs and then had to go to schoool soooooooo I walked down to the buus stop and then the bus pulled up and then I went to school and then I went to homeroom and talked to my friend... wait why am I telling u this? :I


what kind of dance move is this tama doing?!?! :tarakotchi:

He's not dancing, he's a **** potato!

Did you eat your vegetables today?

No, that job is up to my strawberries.

Why does buttercream frosting taste so nasty? >_<

because the clouds fell down and the babies started eating them.

Why is this getting TOTALLY stupid? (seriously)

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