CheetahLoverGirl456 Well-known member Joined Nov 13, 2008 Messages 459 Reaction score 2 Location Virgina Jan 22, 2009 #281 Because your danceing. Why do I have Shala as a Friend?
9 9liz9 Well-known member Joined Jun 18, 2006 Messages 194 Reaction score 0 Location emoland :D Jan 22, 2009 #282 because she`s a nice friend? why did the person on top of my reply asked that question?
W White_Roses Well-known member Joined Nov 3, 2008 Messages 155 Reaction score 0 Jan 22, 2009 #283 Because they ate a pickle that they caught out of the air. Why are lollipops flying pickles?
I ilovekuchipa555 Well-known member Joined Sep 30, 2008 Messages 1,872 Reaction score 1 Location Somewhere over the rainbow.... Jan 24, 2009 #284 Because pies are tasty. Why are cookies cool?
W White_Roses Well-known member Joined Nov 3, 2008 Messages 155 Reaction score 0 Jan 24, 2009 #285 Because you left them out of the oven too long. Why are my cookies hot?
I ilovekuchipa555 Well-known member Joined Sep 30, 2008 Messages 1,872 Reaction score 1 Location Somewhere over the rainbow.... Jan 24, 2009 #286 Cause they're sexy. Why is pie tasty?
S Sleepinggirl Well-known member Joined Nov 1, 2005 Messages 410 Reaction score 0 Jan 24, 2009 #287 I dont know. Why is choclate good?
W White_Roses Well-known member Joined Nov 3, 2008 Messages 155 Reaction score 0 Jan 24, 2009 #288 Because its brown. And brown is the colour of my hair. Why is my hair brown?
I ilovekuchipa555 Well-known member Joined Sep 30, 2008 Messages 1,872 Reaction score 1 Location Somewhere over the rainbow.... Jan 25, 2009 #289 because chocolate is brown! Why is chocolate brown?
W White_Roses Well-known member Joined Nov 3, 2008 Messages 155 Reaction score 0 Jan 25, 2009 #290 Because dark chocolate is dark brown so they couldn't do that. Why isn't chocolate pink?
I ilovekuchipa555 Well-known member Joined Sep 30, 2008 Messages 1,872 Reaction score 1 Location Somewhere over the rainbow.... Jan 25, 2009 #291 because strawberries are already pink. Why are chairs so cool?
W White_Roses Well-known member Joined Nov 3, 2008 Messages 155 Reaction score 0 Jan 25, 2009 #292 Because it's funny when someone sits on one and it breaks. Why don't people fly?
M missana256 Well-known member Joined Apr 18, 2007 Messages 195 Reaction score 0 Jan 25, 2009 #293 Because once people COULD fly but the evil pie master commanded them to not fly and lost their ability. AAAAAAAHHHHHHH EVIL PIE MASTER!!!!!!!! Why did cheese and pepperoni become friends and the next min they are smacking each other in the face?
Because once people COULD fly but the evil pie master commanded them to not fly and lost their ability. AAAAAAAHHHHHHH EVIL PIE MASTER!!!!!!!! Why did cheese and pepperoni become friends and the next min they are smacking each other in the face?
W White_Roses Well-known member Joined Nov 3, 2008 Messages 155 Reaction score 0 Jan 25, 2009 #294 Because someone pressed the smack button on the remote. Why am I controlled by a remote also?
9 9liz9 Well-known member Joined Jun 18, 2006 Messages 194 Reaction score 0 Location emoland :D Jan 27, 2009 #295 cause now a days theres battery remote controllers why is tamatalk ... .tamatalk O_O ?
W White_Roses Well-known member Joined Nov 3, 2008 Messages 155 Reaction score 0 Jan 27, 2009 #296 Because tamatalk is tamatalk is tamatalk is tamatalk is tamatalk is tamatalk is tamatalk is tamatalk is tamatalk is tamatalk is tamatalk. So there. Why am I asking a question?
Because tamatalk is tamatalk is tamatalk is tamatalk is tamatalk is tamatalk is tamatalk is tamatalk is tamatalk is tamatalk is tamatalk. So there. Why am I asking a question?
H ~Hello Kitty~ Well-known member Joined Oct 28, 2008 Messages 215 Reaction score 0 Location UP iN D@ H00d, Nebraska Jan 27, 2009 #297 Cuz ur drunk. Why do i want to dye my hair dark purple?
W White_Roses Well-known member Joined Nov 3, 2008 Messages 155 Reaction score 0 Jan 27, 2009 #298 coz dark purple is the colour you want to dye your hair, Why can't I think of a question?
D Dotz~* Well-known member Joined Dec 31, 2008 Messages 131 Reaction score 1 Location The earth (ha ha) (seattle) Jan 28, 2009 #299 Because you won't think Why does the time up there^^say the right time it is 9:58! Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2009
CheetahLoverGirl456 Well-known member Joined Nov 13, 2008 Messages 459 Reaction score 2 Location Virgina Jan 28, 2009 #300 Because you forgot to put the clock back an hour? Why do all the questions began with WHY?