Ari's Tama Log!


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Well-known member
Jul 14, 2012
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United States
Checked the mail when I got up, and my second Tamagotchi Friends is here B) so! TIME TO LOG. I'll be posting pictures/thoughts/just anything I feel like about my Tamagotchis, so please follow! :)

I actually got the pink one as a Christmas gift, but decided that it might be too lonely over winter vacation, so I picked up another one off of Amazon. Here they are (and yes, I really do like pink):


I'm really curious in trying out the marriage option for two Tamas I own myself, as well as the bumping/messaging functions. I specifically tried to get a boy and a girl, but I won't be too particular about genders past this generation, and I've never raised two at the same time, so this will be a completely new experience.

Although there is no naming option within the game, I've decided to give them names myself, just for the heck of it -- the boy's name is Greg, and the girl's name is Adrianna. Within the first few minutes, they've already become friends! Greg is hosting a party for the two at his house, and I'M ALREADY LOVING THIS BUMPING. The BFF point meter is slowly filling up.

Out of curiosity, I tried the BFF bump, but I'm assuming it won't work until they're completely best friends, so I guess I'll explore that option after a while.

I'll update this later, but in the meanwhile, I'll just be doing standard Tamagotchi owner things -- feeding them, making them happy, cleaning up the poop... :'( but I'll update when something interesting happens! Stay tuned!

EDIT: One cool thing that I'm noticing that I haven't before is that since I hatched both at the same time, they get sick at the same time and have the same stat changes at the same time.

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Sorry for no post yesterday -- I went to visit my high school, caught up with some old friends, and fell asleep at like 6PM :p whoops.

Greg and Adri are both doing well! Greg has evolved from a Turtlechi to a Cosmotchi, and Adri from a Terupotchi to a Nokobotchi. And of course, I've been having them visit each other.


Greg (Cosmotchi):

Age: 2

Weight: 10b

Gen: 1

Adrianna (Nokobotchi):

Age: 2

Weight: 10lb

Gen: 1

In terms of what adults I'm trying to get, I've been using this guide ( as a reference because I REALLY want Mametchi and one of the perfect females (not too picky about any of those though). I've been trying to make sure they have full hearts and close to low weight. Because I'm trying to go for the "social" characteristic instead of "gourmet," I'm feeding them only bread and seeing if that actually makes a difference... don't worry, once they become adults I'll be giving them good meals every day ;) in the meanwhile, I'll also be playing Dream Town and bringing in the bank with tickets. And of course, I'll be off to spam the living daylights out of the messaging to get the full BFF heart... let's hope it pays off :newmametchi:

SHORT POST FOR TODAY, but I DID IT!! Greg is now Mametchi and Adri is Yumemitchi. They are now best friends and go on dates together whenever I bump :)


Also -- my Tamagotchi P will be coming early next week, so I will log that too!
