arg Numa Numa


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ive got wake me up when september ends stuck in my head. i love it , but it gets annoying sometimes. just listen to it like , 10 times in a row , and it will most likely go bye-bye
green day lovr

your children are in foster home why did you put them there

So its just something people say to make it shorter? o.o'
Yup. People = lazy.

Numa Numa is actually a part in the song.

'Vrei sa pleci dar nu ma, nu ma iei,

Nu ma, nu ma iei,

Nu ma, nu ma, nu ma iei.

Chipul tau ºi dragostea din tei,

Mi-amintesc de ochii tai.'

It's part of the chorus.

Actually yes it is :furawatchi:
No it's not. People call it Numa Numa because its easier to say than the Original song title. Nice try though :furawatchi:

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