are you populer?


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I'm not popular, but I'm fairly well known and am friends with almost everyone. It's better this way.

All the 'populars' do is talk behind eachothers backs, skip classes and drink. :|

I'm popular in the good way. I'm nice to everyone and I have alot of friends.

I'm one of the most popular people in the least popular group.

Does that make sense?

But no. I am not popular, and I wouldn't be caught dead hanging out with the popular group.

I like my spot at the bottom. It's very comfortable :]

To answer the poll question, no, I am not popular, and I do not want to be.

i'm really nice but i have alot of friends boys +girls. :D   my mom says i'm well rounded. :(   :eek:
i also wanted to know if you were.
There are nice popular ppl, and mean popular ppl. Ima nice popular girl. Some of my emimies are mean popular ppl. So yeah......... :D :D :D

Oh yeah, and 2 tell u the truth, ima NERD WHO'S POPULAR!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

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I don't know.

I laugh a lot, I know everyone, and a lot of people describe me as funny, and adorable.

But I'm not POPULAR, as such.

I don't know.
I laugh a lot, I know everyone, and a lot of people describe me as funny, and adorable.

But I'm not POPULAR, as such.
oooo, oooo! *Raises hand.* Same here! =D

No, I'm not popular. But I will be, if I keep up the-most-books-read-in-the-history-of-the-school tittle. The opposition is one of my friends, who is friends with a popular girl, which is sort of my friend, because she is friends with my worst enemy, who imatates this girl who is sort of my friend to.

I think this is a Decagon.

Not a chance. I'm the unpopular nerd who gets better grades than everyone.

Better to be a smart nerd than a popular moron, am I right?
Actually, most of those who are considered popular in my school are just as smart as I am, and I'm considered as somewhat of an outcast, although I have many friends.. Most of which are become more and more like valley girls every day. I honestly don't mind, though..

As for my style, I'm mixed. As for my personality, I'd rather stay with a small group of friends, because too many people causes me more stress than necessary, and more anxiety. ;P

Better to be a smart nerd than a popular moron, am I right?
That's really odd. All of the 'popular' kids at my school take honors courses. You're considered 'unpopular' or 'ghetto' if you take basic classes, and sometimes that even stretches to if you take all average courses.


At my school, I'm the 'adorable dumb blonde'. Except I'm brunette.

I say a lot of goofy things and I can make everyone laugh with my slightly airheaded girliness, which gives me a lot of friends who I love, so I would say I was pretty popular. =3

At my school, I'm the strange girl that barely anyone respects. They wonder why I barely have any social skillz, but the peoples at my school think I'm too weird. They don't really want to get near me.

And yet, I don't care.

If your asking if I'm popular as in a lot of friends yes. If you asking if i popular as in everyone at school likes me then no and I don't wanna be. I'm nice but the people at my school are very bad and I don't believe like them. The popular people at my school are all stuck up and do bad things and use people and I'm not like that. Plus I'm a little nerdy. I'm smarter than most people at my school. So that another reason they don't like me too much. But I don't care.

Okay, put a C.D.(unpopular) at one side of the universe, then, put a tube of lipgloss(popular) at the otherside. Then mesure the distance. Then multiply that by infinity. Then multiply that by pi. Yep, that's how unpopular. I hang out with all the "freaks" at school. My whole circle of friends... about 10. I hang out my friends in my grade, and some older kids. I guess that the older kids might make some users on here cry. I'M NOT BEING MEAN! It's just that they look "scary" and have attitudes toward people they don't like that might make King Tut turn over in his coffin. But to me they are my big, tough, protective teddy bears, penguins,pandas, and kolas! All the kids in my school know our group because "we might eat them" because apperently I am a satanist and a canibal. But I am the girl with the purple hair and the "freaky friends". I am so not popular. (Oh a couple of my friends are gay, lesbian, or bi. Yeah, see why we aren't popular...rawr...homophobes...)

Edit: Please take no offence to any of my statments here!

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