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Yeah, I'm really excited!! ^.^

Since *someone* killed *someone* I presume that he is on You-Know-Who's side.

Edited: Please don't post spoilers for the previous book, some people may not have read it!

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Kind of. I want to see what happens, but then I don't want the book to come out, because then Harry Potter will be over. He will either die, or just not go to school anymore. (because year seven is the last year.) I'll probably get the book and read it in one day, like I did last time.

I read a lot of Harry Potter... I already have book 7 reserved at Barnes & Noble; They'll call me when they get it in (July 21st!). ^^

I still can't believe *Spoiler* died.. J.K. Rowling is most imaginative. I wish the series didn't have to end! Atleast we still have the movies to look forward to seeing. :furawatchi: Well, atleast I do.

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I read a lot of Harry Potter... I already have book 7 reserved at Barnes & Noble; They'll call me when they get it in (July 21st!). ^^
I still can't believe *spoiler* died.. J.K. Rowling is most imaginative. I wish the series didn't have to end! Atleast we still have the movies to look forward to seeing. :) Well, atleast I do.
There is a website that has some proof that *spoiler* hasn't died and when *spoiler* "killed" him, it was just a fake act. Click!

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Heck, yeah!

Snape is evil.

I want to see if Harry or Voldemort dies in the last book.

I'm gonna read it in a day! Haha. Maybe not, though. My friend's sister read the 5th book in a day. o_O

Matchy <_<

I'm excited but scared. I hope Harry doesn't die, I would look pretty stupid crying in the movie theaters when the movie comes out. xP


It's easy to assume Snape is evil and on Voldemort's side since he killed Dumbledore, but there are tiny clues in the book that hint at his innocence. Remember, J.K. Rowling is the kind of author that surprises you. In the sixth book, Hagrid mentioned Snape and Dumbledore fighting about something. I don't know for sure, but I think he was protesting that he didn't want to kill Dumbledore, I think the fact that Snape would kill Dumbledore was planned out. Imagine how good Snape would look to Voldemort if he killed the only man You-Know-Who ever feared! Besides that, Snape would be an invaluable treasure trove of information for the Order of the Phoenix. Do you think it's members knew about the plan? I do. By the way, J.K. Rowling has *confirmed* that Dumbledore is dead. But when asked if he is, she said, "Yeah, but it's not as simple as that..." I think Dumbledore's picture frame will be important in the seventh book. All in all, I'm really excited but also scared! ^_^

Well said Kiwitchi_Fan, J K is a very surprising writer DON"T READ ON IF YOU HAVE NOT READ THE LAST BOOK, I mean, Dumbledoor dying and all, but now that he's gone Harry can leave Hogwarts and hunt for the horcruxes (<--spelling?), what about Ron and Hermione?

Kind of. I want to see what happens, but then I don't want the book to come out, because then Harry Potter will be over. He will either die, or just not go to school anymore. (because year seven is the last year.) I'll probably get the book and read it in one day, like I did last time.
in the order of the phoenix Trelawney says that he grows up to be in the ministry of magic and has 12 kids....i also really dont want the book to come ouot since that will be his last year, and harry potter is so famous at my school that the teachers read the books to stay awake

Oh yeah! I'm sooo excited! I reserved a copy and everything. Snape is bad, I think.

And I'm pretty sure Ron and Hermione will end up together.

Yeah, I'm really excited!! ^.^
Since Snape killed Dumbledore I presume that he is on You-Know-Who's side.
Actually, didn't you hear that Dumbledore was begging? Begging him? It may have sounded like he was begging for bmercy but,no. If he was in real danger, he would have escaped. And, plus, Snape made an Unbreakable Vow never to let Dumbledore down! AND, Snape also had to kill him because he made an Unbreakable Vow to Narcissa Malfoy that he would help Draco kill Dumbledore. He had to kill him! he wanted to save Dumbledore, but he didn't want the Malfoy family to die!

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