Are you clumsy?


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I'm not clumsy with mah Tuba.. <3

But when it comes to stands. Sometimes I'm so clumsy, I bang it into my head. >o<

And I walk into doors. ._.

I broke my old iPod about 3 days ago because I have a messenger bag and I walked past the door and the strap caught on the door and I dropped with my iPod in my hand and smashed it on the floor I had about 3 peaces of plastic or glass whatever the screen is made out of stuck in my hand and ripped jeans :furawatchi: .

Yes. Yes. Yes YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!

I've tripped over nothing before, fell flat on my face, the phone I was talking on flew across the room.

My excuse:

"I tripped over air!"



I rarely trip, I'm good on my feet.

But I'm bound to drop my pencil at least ten times a day, and bound to drop the rest of my school things at least five.


I run into a wall just walking. I trip on almost everything, drop everything on my toe, and I'm really unlucky xP

Sort of lol I run into doors and walls alot and fell down the steps today XD.

Yeah i'm pretty clumsy. About a month ago, I went out the door to go to the bus stop and I tripped on a power cord and fell in a bush XD Everyone just stared at me O.O




I fell off a cement sidewalk on my recent vacation and sprained my ankle.

Then this morning I fell down the stairs and injured the same ankle again.

As you could tell, I'm not very graceful.

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