this video makes me very angry..1. this child is unsupervised and has a lighter in the house in his bedroom!!
2. he has some sort of problems if he gets happy from breaking toys
3. he does not know that fumes released from plastic are highly toxic
4. where are his parents? I know he has a friend there but all the more need for supervision
Silly silly boy but its his money hes wasting to do this
love RED
Er, not to be rude or anything, and I do love Tamagotchis, but why is that sad? It's just a toy... I mean yeah, that's being insignificantly rude and immature, but seriously guys.
And these two looked and sounded rather 18-ish. What's the point in having supervision if you're like 18?
Besides, it was their idea to be stupid and immature. It's done and over with, and you can't go back.

Yeah, it sucks that those two would waste like $15-$30 on a Tamagotchi just to blow it up. I mean come on, people! Those batteries would take no more than 5 minutes to replace, and they're probably, what, a dollar or so?
But yeah, like I said, if they want to be stupid and immature, they're probably going to be. It's just the way a lot of teen minds work. Notice I said 'a lot', not 'all'. I guess it's their loss, and our suffering.