Are Tamagotchis...telepathic?


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Eternal Mametchi Fan

Well-known member
Jan 22, 2012
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In an egg
Hello! Have your Tamagotchi virtual pets ever communicated telepathically with you--

*instantly shot*


Anyway, I was just wonderin' happens to me a lot. The first case was when I was 8. I was elsewhere in my house and I heard my version 4 beep... in my head! So I went to look at my v4 and there, on the screen, was the matchmaker! But I hadn't gotten there quick enough and it went away a few moments later. :(

Another time this happened with my version 5 calling for attention and I heard it when I was outside. But the creepiest case of all was when I left my Tama-Go at home when I went to the shop. I heard a Tamagotchi beep and I couldn't work out where it was coming from. I checked on all my Tamas that I remembered to bring but they were all fine. Then I realised it must be the Tama I left at home! A while later I heard the death beep in my head and when I came home, sure enough, my Tama was dead. O.O

So...yeah, please don't take me to a psychologist. :puroperatchi:

it might be a similar phenomenon to when you feel your phone vibrate even though it's not in your pocket. Your brain is so used to feeling or in this case hearing something that sometimes you think you hear it even when it's not around.

Whoa, I once thought I was pretty bold, but you are definitely not afraid to say things people might really not like.

To answer your question, yes, it actually happens to me too. The list of people who would kill me if they read this is too long, but all I'm doing is telling the truth.

If I think back enough, I had a vague, unsettled feeling in the middle of my 6th birthday party. It went away, but I felt like I had forgotten or missed something. That would be my first Tamagotchi dying - sure enough, when I checked on it afterwards, it was dead. :(

Unfortunately, I seem to feel the pain of my Tamas and whenever I neglect one, I get a stomach ache or often I even get ILL because I was giving an iD L care misses for a character. It's no coincidence that the 3 times I got most ill were when I was going for a bad care character on my iD L.

I always get an odd feeling whenever my Tamas die...I don't hear their beeps like you do, but I get an odd feeling that I only know as a bad feeling now I recall all the times I've felt it.

The most memorable incident was being at the skate park a few months ago, and my iD L was in the car, parked nearby. I got a very weird instinct my Tama was going to evolve - and the moment I stepped into the car, the screen flashed and I witnessed my Tamagotchi evolve! That has happened a number of times.

I feel faint when I pause a Tama, feel super-energised when it's about to evolve, feel amazing when it's happy, and so on. I used to get mysterious stomach aches when I used to abuse Tamas, and no-one ever knew why, but I figured it out a few months ago. So now I know, the minute I go back to my old ways, it will start again! ;)

So, I think Tamagotchis ARE telepathic, because it explains why and when I've got ill, AND those stomach aches even the doctor couldn't find an answer to.

~ Dazzmina ~

Nothing like that has ever happened to me, although I apparently have super hearing when my tamagotchis beep. (I can hear them any time at any place. xD)

donno if this counts or not, but whatevs.

I was having some wird dream a few years ago. In the dream i was at school for some reason, and then i heard a death beep.

I could hear it so clearly in the dream, i thought it was coming over the intercom. when i woke up, i checked on my 2 v5's (one red and one transparent with rainbow dots on it) and guess what...

my red family had left for tamagotchi planet. (or died, however y'all see it).

what's weird is i could hear it so clearly. i think it might've been on my nightstand, but outside sounds NEVER EVER entered my dreams before.

i dunno. the thought still haunts me.

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