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"How?" Lucy asked, confused.

Eli had a smile as she giggled. "I know last time I told you this, you wanted to kill me, but you're really cute when you're happy."

Pandora tilted her head. "It doesn't anger me anymore."

Diamond sighed. "Most girls think I'm a weirdo!"

"I'm a weirdo too." Lucy exclaimed, raising her fist in an act of joy.

Eli nodded. "Finally are listening to the truth, are we?" he asked.

Diamond held his hand up for Lucy to high-five. "Aw yeah!!"

Pandora tilted her head. "I just said it doesn't anger me, I never said that I believed it!"

"Well it is true. But you always look cute." Eli told her.

Lucy gave Diamond a high-five. "Still can't believe you don't have a girlfriend." She repeated. This all were seduction techniques taught by Eli after they learned about Apocalypse, so if Eli died, Lucy would be able to seduce any male of her choosing to help rebuild the population. Of coure, Eli kept his best trick he used on Panda to himself.

Pandora smiled and blushed ever so slightly.

Diamond shrugged. "I don't think it really matters."

"Well do you want one?z' Lucy asked.

Eli didn't say Panda was cute, this time he just pulled her into a huge hug.

Pandora wrapped her arms around Eli, smiling.

Diamond nodded. "Yeah, sort of."

"I want a boyfriend..." Lucy said softly.

Eli looked up, it was getting dark again, and they hadn't found any food.

Diamond tilted his head. "Do you wanna be myyyy girlfriend?"

Pandora sighed and smiled, looking down at Lucy and Diamond. She prodded Eli and motioned for him to watch the pair.

Lucy nodded and threw herself into Diamond's arms. "I do! I do! I do!"

Eli kissed Panda softly. "So cute."

Pandora nodded, leaning her head onto Eli's shoulder.

Diamond stumbled back a bit, wrapping his arms around Lucy. "Yayyy!"

"Reminds me how much I love you..." he said softly.

Lucy leaned in and kissed Diamond. "You just made me soooo happy."

Pandora's smile grew and she entwined her fingers with Eli's.

Diamond gasped and blushed. "O-oh! Good!"

Eli watched as Lucy kissed Diamond, smiling.

Lucy giggled. "You're blushing."

Diamond pouted and crossed his arms. "That's not a blush, I uh... Have a fever!"

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