That name sounds so familiar... did you used to wi-fi on another AC forum called AXA(Animal Crossing Ahead)?
I am sure I know the name from this forum: - I was going to trade some jacobs ladders just before the site went down for a few months. It's back up and running now tho' and still has a friendly community of wifiers.
Yes! I did! But I didn't realise you had to be 13 to join as it didn't tell me when I signed up so once the forums went down, my account was deleted. I still check up on there though and am going to join again when I'm 13. I think we Wi - Fied once? Or we were going to before the forums went down, I can't remember. I miss being a member ):
I found my AC game a week ago and havent played it in about 2 years and when i loaded it all there were millions of weeds but Vesta was still there and her house was in the exact same place so i dont think she left at all and i have her picture ( and teddy's ) my house is the biggest it can be, i have nookingtons and finished all the collections ( except 2 paintings )
I have got rid of all the weeds and it still says that its in the middle
I have loads of trees scattered about ( all fruits ) and loads of hybrid flowers but still nothing changes
I haven't played City Folk for like, 6 months, and everyone was still there XD In WW I have Static's pic, I'm still working on the others. Also in WW, Dora and Bones are in a relationship and so are Alli and Alfonso. The last two are BOTH alligators, I suppose I'm really lucky.
I can't wait for the 3DS version, it looks like it's going to be win.