Anyone Up For A Summer Hatch?


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Wonderful! I'm wondering if I'll need to bump this when it gets closer to the date or maybe I should make a, finalized and official post of whos participating... I've never done this before, haha :p

Can I run any type of tamagotchi? I'm still not sure which one I would use if i joined. Also when does the hatch start?

I'd love to participate, but I'm on a co-op term far away from home and I didn't bring my Tamas... I'm planning on going home to visit some time near the end of June, though, so I'll try to remember to grab one while I'm there.

Do we have to hatch a new egg for it, or we can participate with an already adult tama?

I'll join in with a P2, an ocean, or my mothra if I can get the screw off.

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